Reviews for Fairytale Island and the Frog King
killer4853 chapter 1 . 2/12/2015
myra chapter 1 . 12/8/2013
i really enjoyed this! great storyteller you are!
crestoflight3 chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
That was amazingly stylistic...the perfect voice, with just enough authorial intrusion, to sound like the original author! Great job!
Angel Of Versailles chapter 1 . 8/26/2012
Aslan's mane!
That was so cute and hillarious!
I heart this one :)
Adorable LUCIAN oneshot
tragedyromancex7 chapter 1 . 8/23/2012
laughing my wits out XD
ButtButtDoodle chapter 1 . 12/13/2011
I simply LOVED the idea for this story! Oh, too bad that it was developed in such briefness! It seemed more like I was reading a summary of a story rather than a full-fledged one. Perhaps wordy explanations of how characters are feeling, thinking or acting is not your cup-of-tea, and that I will respect. Needless to say, the idea of a Frog!Caspian is too adorable. Great story!
FlyingFerret chapter 1 . 1/9/2011
That made my day :)
Gloria Florida chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
AWWWW I love it. It really felt like a missing chapter of VDT. I've always loved frogs from the fairytales of frogs turning into princes & also due to F.R.O.G. (fully rely on god), but now I love Caspian the adorabliy sad frog.
BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope chapter 1 . 10/18/2009
A great story. Very good.
GoldenAshes chapter 1 . 1/7/2009
This really was terrific! It was pretty much CS Lewis style and could've almost been squeezed into the book as a missing chapter!

I really did enjoy this, particularly Caspian as a frog. Glee!
melwa elena chapter 1 . 12/2/2008
That was absolutely wonderful! You really made me laugh and it is one of the cutest stories I have read so far. Lucy coming up with the name of Fairytale Island and her being a little ashamed of kissing Caspian. Really well done. I liked the way you stayed very close to the way the books are written. As if it is one of the deleted scene, so to speak.

Kind regards, Melwa Elena
Elliesmeow chapter 1 . 11/1/2008
Very sweet. Thanks for posting.

shadowphantomness chapter 1 . 10/14/2008
Absolutely, positively adorable and quite IC. V
lamp before the wind chapter 1 . 7/15/2008
“Ribbit,” Caspian replied a little crossly, for what he now wanted most was a wet little pond and a fly or two.

Very CS Lewis, in my opinion :D I loved reading your story! And I chuckled like mad over the bit about Ed's hanky.
lucymonster chapter 1 . 7/14/2008
That was just delightful! I was giggling the whole way through...beautiful style of writing, it could have simply slotted into the book. I loved it so much...thank you for sharing! It really brightened my day.
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