Reviews for Where Fires Begin
Sachmis chapter 1 . 3/4/2014
I'm going to go now. I seem to have something in my eye… and my other eye. [sniff]
BiblioMatsuri chapter 1 . 5/25/2013
An epilogue to the movie. That's all.

Very nice imagery. *claps*
WALL-E and EVE In Love chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
I want the next chapter please.
Wyvern Seeker chapter 1 . 7/23/2011
Oh man, this story was very sad. There were so many events such as the humans having to leave Earth again because the sun was dying and thousands of years Wall-E permernatly goes offline after millenia or so of being online and then EVE trying to find a way to bring him back, it's just so sad and heartwarming at the same. It just shows me how sad it is when someone you know and love dies, it can be so painful. You know, I have to say this is one great fanfic and I hope you keep up the good work.
xSapphireLightsx chapter 1 . 2/7/2011
That was so beautiful and sad. I alway thoughts eventually those two would die but I never once figured Wall-e to be the first one to go T.T but it feels all too true for the film (sob)

I loved how instead of Eve staying there, she leaves to search the stars for Wall-e. Brings a tear to my eye T.T
dmwcool1 chapter 1 . 1/16/2011
I love this :). My favorite Pixar couple. Their relationship deserves more that just 'fluff' and you give it justice.
red eagle chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
Me again. Just came back to say that this was an amazing beautiful fic and that I don't regret clicking on that link from TV tropes.
red eagle chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
Shit. Damn you. Now I'm crying. :(
SilverInkblot chapter 1 . 10/1/2010
I adore how well written this is. It beautifully tragic and bittersweet and original while still very much in tune with the style of the movie. You've taken a huge expanse of time, compressed it, and filtered it through EVE's eyes and the result is really just stunning. The love story is tragic, but I find it equally sad that after everything they went through to bring Humanity back to Earth, Humanity had to leave anyway. Everything is so well put together and each segment flows into the next. The last line is heartbreakingly hopeful on EVE's part, and the entirety feels like an old legend passed down through time. It's a truly wonderful piece of writing :)
Sorida chapter 1 . 9/11/2010
This is so sad. Great job. I'm speechless if you haven't noticed already.
jenuinetears chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
That was really well done. In the movie, it made me so sad when Wall-E was nearly crushed, but him dying/eroding? Gah, so sad as it is realistic. It still held reality in place, had Eve be herself and humans be themeselves by going away when the sun swelled- really, truly amazing. The best charrie-death-focues fic (and I've seen a lot) I've ever read.
Allronix chapter 1 . 6/13/2010
Bittersweet, with emphasis on the bitter part. It might have been a mercy if Eva could have understood or if she could have been mercifully deactivated...
Tatsu-no-Houou chapter 1 . 5/2/2010
Impressive, that is one thing people will usually not think about. Even if the world is revitilized, and the human generation is able to fix themselves, they will ultimately need to leave when the Sun enlargens.

WALL*E himself is a anceint archaic robot more then seven centuries old, and the only one remaining of his fallen brethren. Unlike EVE who was likely built in Zero-gravity, and probably retrofited with metals unheard of in WALL*E's time... he'll rust and corode or simply wear himself down to nothing. EVE is hovers and has little aside from weathering to wear her down.

The tragic truth is she will likely be the one to survive him.

I congradulate you on showing all this in a simple short story. I enjoyed it alot.
Cupe chapter 1 . 2/5/2010
I was directed here from TVTropes and my gods...I can't stop crying now...

It takes a very talented writer to move me to tears in so few words.
Pumpkin2Face chapter 1 . 1/9/2010
This made me cry so hard. There is just something so sad about this. It was so well done and so perfect but so melancholy.
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