Reviews for Night
KoreanMusicFan chapter 7 . 7/6/2016
is this story even being continued? its been so long.
Abby chapter 7 . 2/17/2015
I love it please continue
SomebodyWhoCares chapter 7 . 3/31/2014
More soon?
Regin chapter 7 . 9/27/2013
I Like, I Lust, I Love! Please Update Soon!
Kim chapter 1 . 7/14/2013
Just wanted to tell you that this is honestly one of the best fanfiction stories I've read. The writing is excellent - you really have a gift. But as you know - a good story is more than just the writing. The idea, the timing/spacing, the descriptions, the emotion. . . It is all beautifully put into the story and it really comes through. I literally couldn't stop reading this - and was looking for some sort of conclusion or sequel, but made sure to come back and write a review just because I was so impressed.
Keep writing! Seriously that's the one thing I want to say. You've got it - just keep adding to it and I'm sure you're going to have you're share of books/screenplays out there in a bookstore one day.
THANK YOU for writing this. Seriously. Awesome.
Cansei de Ser Sexy chapter 1 . 1/22/2013
You won't probably even read this review but I still wanted to write it.

I read your story years ago, and it was actually one of the reasons that made me fall in love with this fandom, because through the boring Bruce Wayne romances every now and then a gem like this appears, and captivates you. I just wanted to say, your story inspired me a lot, actually write for Bruce Wayne, and tonight, out of the blue, it came to my mind, so here I am. You can take it as a way late confession too, I guess.

Wish you the best.
Selene090 chapter 7 . 1/28/2012
This story has been on my favorites for a while. Is there any chance you might update? Its amazing!
MadrigalPrincess chapter 7 . 6/26/2009
Please update!
DarkDefender89 chapter 7 . 5/16/2009
this is an interesting story, please update ASAP! :D
Soccer-Bitch chapter 7 . 5/8/2009
interesting story so far.

can't wait to see where you go with it.

nolongeractiveignoredelete chapter 1 . 1/13/2009
Gah, I know I already reviewed the latest chapter, but I felt the need to go into a little more detail.

In short : I love your story. I've fallen completely head over heels in love with it. It's funny, but charming. Suggestive, but tasteful. It's simple, sweet, and to the point.

Even though you don't have write with much detail, you managed to hook my attention with your mostly dialogue driven chapters. You're writing style definitely has room for improvement, and I would probably suggest going into more description every so often, but you're doing a great job so far.

I like your OC, and the past with Maroni makes her much more interesting. I'm looking forward to any development of her in the future.

Oh, and did I mention I laughed out loud at the limo scene? Well I did. Then I proceeded to describe it to my friend who giggled as well. I could just picture that happening, Bruce was so in character!

It's been a while since you updated, and I hope you plan on continuing this sometime soon! I eagerly await the next chapter ;D
nolongeractiveignoredelete chapter 7 . 1/2/2009
Love it! Update soon!
aliaslover14 chapter 7 . 9/30/2008
Aww the plot thickens...
Porkchop Sandwiches chapter 1 . 9/21/2008
I love your story! Alfred and Bruce were both amazing, and of course I love Jessica. The cliff hanger is crazy :) I can't wait to hear more.
colortheskyred chapter 7 . 9/6/2008
i'm in love with this, i love your writing style
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