Reviews for Revolt
Chibilisous chapter 6 . 6/12/2011
Where have you gone? This story is awesome! I highly suggest continuing it. I want to know what happens to Rico, Rodent and Conker! :]
Lemun-Chan chapter 1 . 7/22/2006
I love it! Absolutly love it! Terrefic job on this fic.
JH Sounds chapter 1 . 12/2/2004
Nothing against the story, but there seems to be too much of a "war!" theme in the BFD section.

That aside, the story was quite entertaining. References to the first game are a little forced.

Thumbs up.
Conker-The-Squirrel chapter 6 . 8/26/2004
great story keep going!
DB Vulpix chapter 6 . 4/8/2004
great story this is! Who woulda thought you could write a good/serious fic from a game as crazy as BFD.
FierceDeity666 chapter 6 . 6/23/2003
This story is a genius continuation of BFD. Please continue.
Maniac SwordBreaker chapter 6 . 6/14/2003
Excellent fic, man! The best Conker fic I have ever read. Full of detail, excitement, action, and a teenie bit of has got everything! Your style of writing is very appealing, and the diologue is very good.

Looks like this fic is ending sometime soon eh? Update ASAP!

I have an Loz Majora's Mask/Conker crossover fic if you're interested. Read in your free time.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/2/2003
Wow, you finally managed to update this story. I'm very proud of you writing this chapter.
ConkerFreak chapter 1 . 12/2/2002
This is simply the BEST fic I hav ever read. Everything is there, and it follows the track of the original story from the beginning to the end. The characters stay true to themselves and there are many funny references to the game. Excellent.
The OgeeBoogie man chapter 3 . 9/27/2002
Yes, it is indeed from The Nightmare Before Christmas. How did you know? I guess the movie was more popular than I'd thought...
Julayla chapter 5 . 9/23/2002
I really like this story & read it over & over. But there's one thing I need to know about your name: did you got the idea from Ogee Boogie from Nightmare Before Christmas or did you thought of it yourself? BTW, please continue, I want to see the next parts.
Julayla chapter 1 . 9/2/2002
This story is getting real good so far. BTW, I was planning to do a little Conker's BFD & Sonic the Hedgehog crossover story starring Nack in a young age & the Professor. I hope you don't mind me using the name Weaselov either like Finster used the name for his fanfic. And I love the surprise part where Batula was the one in charge of Hell. BTW, I still think Sonic's World & Conker's World are both on Mobius, but that's just my opinion. Hope you finish.
Specter Von Baren chapter 4 . 7/27/2002
I have succedded in finding yet another great fic this is good stuff keep writing.

But I still have to give my full honest opinion *sigh* I think you made Rodent a bit too much of a "volcano" but thats all I have to put down on this. Also I hope that you put Fang (The raptor) in the story. Well so long great fic.


from boo to you with a smile

The OgeeBoogie Man chapter 2 . 7/16/2002
Ra88, keep up your clever novelization of your story. I like it. And thank you for the in-depth review. BTW, my fic isn't much about parodism.

Gappap, I await your update of the 99th platoon. Thank you.

NeoOwerty, I appreciate the shine. And the thumb. I like your story as well.

Final mutation... I'm appalled that you like it so much.

Gore... thank you for not minding.

Finster... your writing talent is incredible, and I would like to a a continuation of the Duct Tape fic.

BTW my next chapter should be done in a matter of days. I just hope I can get the site to fix the papagraphing problem it's been having with my latest fics...
Ra88 chapter 4 . 7/15/2002
This is an extreme good Conker fanfic. If I would say, the best one! Almost every character from the game has a part, and especcialy the war is spectaculair. Sometimes, I even forgot that you were discribing the game! However...there aren't any movie rip-offs. However, it doesn't matter, seeing that it is so good. ( Sorry about this, but I'm also a writer. If you're searching a fanfic with movie rip-offs and other jokes, go to my Conker Fanfic, Conkers Scale Encounter. The 1st chapter isn't that great, but the next ones will be. )
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