Reviews for Hopeful
nahte123456 chapter 1 . 11/11/2016
On one hand I feel bad for Peach, on the other I was rooting for Zelda an Samus, plus they started things first and seem like they really want to try this. Really good emotions, and good characters, Samus is one of my favorite characters so seeing her especially is great.
TacoKing23 chapter 1 . 9/25/2015
This was a great follow-up to Sinful, and really a great story on its own. The emotions between Zelda and Samus are surprisingly complex for a one-shot, and it is unusual and refreshing to see Peach written as anything other than a blonde bimbo, like she usually is in Samus x Zelda stories.

It would have been great to see a third in the series, following Peach after her own heartbreak. Whether she ended up with someone or not, it would have been very interesting to see her dealing with the aftermath of this. Seeing that she's not a one-dimensional dumbass in this, I'd be very interested in seeing how (or if) she got through it.
Lich Irelia chapter 1 . 10/29/2011
This was excellent peach's perspective really shows a new take on the character and how even though it hurts her tremendously she would rather they be happy than to hurt them. I enjoyed this and saw no glaring errors.
duke69 chapter 1 . 11/18/2009
absolutely amazing, really! both sinful and hopeful are a great representation of the zelda/samus pairings. i must admit i have NEVER seen peach with any sort of personality then what came out of the games, which was the typical borderline retarded blonde stereotype. this new personality that you have given her seems questionable yet fitting. all in all you did a great job with both stories and i hope that you make more.

(although seeing as these are directly related to each other you should really combine these and make it one story with multiple chapters.)
whatrain chapter 1 . 6/29/2009
Oh, god. I love SamusxZelda so much and that was incredibly nice!

Just as all of your fanfictions, I must say.

Keep up with the good work, man.

DarkndAngel9 chapter 1 . 5/14/2009
that story was soo cute! but i can't help but feel bad for Peach! i see Peach in a different light now and I would actually like her if more people portrayed her like this! Zelda and Samus are too cute! i'm happy that Zelda got to her before she killed herself or something! sequel to the sequel? lol i just really want to read more it was really good! and i feel so bad for Peach she needs a happy ending too! (but i love how you ended the story with Peach's POV) oh well. Thanks for the excellent read!
The Rev. T-Dog chapter 1 . 1/4/2009
I love this story!

I first read sinful on and it was so deep and so beautiful, and the ending was a heart breaker. this is no exception, an incredibly deep and touching story, Well Done!
Y. Calla chapter 1 . 12/5/2008
This was a wonderful sequel. I feel so much sympathy for Peach. How she tried to encourage Zelda to go after Samus was a realistic scenario. Actually this entire story was realistic in how not every love story has a happily ever after ending. It was nice to see that the tables were switched this time. Most fics have Zelda being the one secure with her feelings rather than Samus. I rather like the change. You have a nice style, keep on writing.
Thepillows93 chapter 1 . 9/17/2008
another touching piece. Though I don't see what Peach has done to warrant this type of sadness on her part. She is the epitome of life's unfairness. Bittersweet, but touching. :)
PrincessSerenity101 chapter 1 . 8/13/2008
Poor Peach DX Overall, nice story :)
G3rain1 chapter 1 . 8/5/2008
I love this. You already know every thing I've said about this in our emails. but I will reiterate for everyone else.

I'm in agreement with Rehjae, you gave Peach a depth and realism rarely scene for her character. You did so for all three characters but Peach in particular stood out.

Another thing I really enjoyed was the point you made about Zelda mistaken her feelings and having a fairytale notion of love. That was really deep.

I look froward to seeing more of your work.
Nadair chapter 1 . 8/4/2008
I was so pleased to see this was the sequel to Sinful, and even more so to find it was one of the most satisfying pieces I've read on in a long while.

I loved how powerful the dynamics were and your characterization of all three women was outstanding- in particular, Peach: you managed to give her solid depth while maintaining a realism in her whereas other writers tend to butcher her.

The writing was both highly effective and aesthetic; you really do have a very well-developed style. It kills me when I (all too frequently) find a story that has a great concept but mediocre writing, so I savored this.

To sum it up, I really loved this on all accounts and I hope you'll continue with it soon. I'll be author alerting you from now on.