Reviews for Just My Luck
Guest chapter 1 . 12/16/2019
Aaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I SHIP IT LIKE FEDEX!
Debbie Hicks chapter 1 . 7/16/2015
Chapter 2
that it happened I Suddenly ripped Nessie's Sskin blasted my Teeth but Began Marking but entered her mind but Spoke T Queen Serenity to curse her to ne a Forever living Vampire Slayer then suddenly her Screams was heard then her words came out youngish but terrified Wha-What you do to me oh god I desire Blood that a Witness roaring it's legs right in that palace Aro something terrible Jabcob Black Changed her into a Forever living Vampire slayer consorted with her it is the Cullens hired their guards but Reneesme Cullen died with them with the Five but the senior Volturi guard killed her with them into the Real flames removing as all traces here they come your Loyal newest guards Masters it is Done it was a Speakable Crime they been Resurrected we bring the Accused they are Condemned to die here tonight that was it they were all killed but Murdered Killed as all of the members Ripped as all of the newest but Ripping off the heads then suddenly their screams were heard into morning but it came too late ourselves reawakened Aboard then with homes into quarters and Alice had bad news via visions they sent the Guard but it was destroyed for Good Nessie is what Changing we reappeared the Both they Caused this then it happened breaking freely with my sisters and brothers in law then her own eyes flashed open Falkor's Ruby Red our seeds were full grown but suddenly they had kids fully grown but flipped freely from now deceased bodies vanishing here we are stuck in here in Time-space then crashing down with each both packs with families and pets with young but Gone then each both frozen bodies CRASH! Their latest but truest guards Masters there is trouble Reneesme finished transformation into a Full Vampire slayer is stuck to look in her twenties has hybrid children via machine is driven by Vengeance but Swears to the Gods as their Avenger is not Alive each both are Dead their families and friends and loved ones with the tribe forgotten them but in their old age will mourn and grieve of their passing and will die shortly it came too late they did die at long last then met us/them here but it Came too late breaking freely but with more deported but it was no more her voice Echoed but Intoned I Know to be wary Something Scary I Turn Loose GHOSTLY HAUNTS! BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE! It really happened her true Gift Shook us from the bodies vanishing herself risen like a Traditional Vampire with her own long arms raised but the bodies Crashing but more guards Aro it is terrible they Resurrected but Reincarnated but they Avenged their murderers and killers declaring Challenge onto with their loyal as all of their newest Risen guards and Soldiers and Warriors dropped dead but vanishing freely but brought here these each ones will die at night that was it no more of them each both turned had a viral sickness ripped young and youth but it happened burning bodies as all of them wearing their late families clothes/boots then shattering as Volturi members held a ball but it came too late the city-state was Cursed herself was a true but full Vampire slayer like her own mother her now Yellow eyes were Wrathful but with grief then it happened Washington changed over night but it came too late it was different by now but ourselves were forced to live on their planet with more all both suddenly Went NOVA Losing as all of bodies deported but brought here but it happened we were Invisible but shattering freely then too late lost within bound in here in their home for good but it happened it was different but more largest but suddenly we Were Cloaked but it was destroyed now what but crashing freely but vanishing from here oh man Emmett was a wreck Calm down Emmett we have no reflection anymore Alice What it it's our home it's bigger but changed we have died in outer space without both the Volturi had caused this but we are undead oh man oh my god Edward we can't mate yes I have grievous news we never reproduced anymore but the humans as all of them are replaced by Vampires all of the homes are mansions where are we on our planet you are not safe here but returned us to Earth but made us Cloaked.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/17/2015
It was fine.
JustValeP chapter 1 . 7/29/2013
aawww thet was sweet
shes-guilty-by-design chapter 1 . 8/20/2012
Awww...this was brilliant! Really great story!
Anne chapter 1 . 8/25/2011
Really really liked this one; I think it is inevitable that Nessie will love Jacob just as much as he loves her, and I cringe a little at the stories where this isn't the case. I also love Edward as the stern dad when he and Bella behaved the same way-that's true of every parent I know!

Great job!
SilenceIsCompliance chapter 1 . 10/16/2010
Awww. Great job! I loved that story! Wonderful.
songbird'ssmile chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
Luv this Sooooo much! So Cute!
moonhoney2 chapter 1 . 4/30/2010
Cute story! I wish you would continue with it. Great writing!
Kimmydonn chapter 1 . 2/2/2010
Nice. Edward seemed a little over the top, but only a little.
twilightluv95 chapter 1 . 1/22/2010
Amazing! Please write more! :) x
doolly chapter 1 . 12/28/2009
i use a screen name and usally do not release alot about my self but that was amazing cosidering i am a english teacher who loves jacob black
Amethystars chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
Great story! I really liked it. It was funny, and fit Jake's voice really well.
maddy cullen chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
Aw this is really good! I LOVE Edward being protective! :)
xxHeadInTheStarsxx chapter 1 . 7/17/2009
lol! The ending was perfect! :D
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