Reviews for Solitude
PiWrite chapter 1 . 1/6/2012



/is shot

you deff not on crack or whatever :3
Dann of Thursday chapter 1 . 12/25/2008
Zomg lemonz lol
CTCometfan chapter 1 . 10/30/2008
I thought it was good. Just so you know, I've written a new story called The Forbidden Ritual...the pairing: Johan/Jesse. 'shrugs' Just to let you know.
Vicky Chain chapter 1 . 8/31/2008

This was awesome!


btw its gina45 from deviantart! XD
LunarYamiDemon chapter 1 . 8/14/2008
O_O OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! *jumps around* TEH FIST POSSESSHIPPING FIC I'VE READ! w I LOVE IT! IT'S SO EMOTIONAL! . I swear, this pairing needs more love! I LOVE POSSESSHIPPING! Yubel-Johan is actually hesitant! I find that kind of sweet...And Yubel-Johan being gentle in the short "make-out session"...I totally love it! I also love the ending! Johan kissing him, thanking, Yubel-Johan being confused and surprised, Johan leaving, and Yubel-Johan feeling empty...So emotional! w I'm making a possesshipping fic as well but the stupid damn writer's block! *pounds head against table* I'm trying to update it quicker but I've been busy and school's coming up When I do post it up, you think you could read it? Other than that, I TOTALLY LOVE THIS FIC! YAY FOR POSSESSHIPPING! w
RubiiRain chapter 1 . 8/11/2008
I’ll come right out and say that was HAWT! Heehee It was amazing and I seriously loved every part of it.

You made some real valid points regarding the complex and odd relationship between Johan and Yubel. I believe that they would have had something connecting them as well and you really put it together beautifully. The parts with Johan and Judai, especially Johan’s guilt with the whole situation, were so striking for me. I rarely get emotional from reading a fic but seeing Johan’s devotion and then slowly watching him give in and fall really did pull a chord. I am not kidding when I say my heart ached. ( Weird thing is, near the end I didn’t hate Yubel at all. I felt bad for everyone and the situation they were all placed in. _

I think this is the first ‘possesshipping’ fic I have read, it’s a shame it isn’t more popular because you made it downright sexy! Heehee (...and emotional ;_;) It was a perfect mix of the two, I seriously can’t get over it. I don’t know if you planned on it but you should so do a follow up~! ;D *favs!*
JudaiHaou'sGirl chapter 1 . 8/11/2008
hey Chazzi-chan this is good I mean really good well let me know if ya need help k? well ttyl and get online like when ever k I'm on like 24/7 and 365 unless bad weather...luv ya hugs ~Jade-san~
KyoxSakiFan chapter 1 . 8/11/2008
That was hot. w it feels to good to read a fic for the Shipping I named. And it's amazing. You described and wrote it well.
No More Fanfiction for Me chapter 1 . 8/11/2008
Definitely well-written and the pairing is hawt, plz. XD Good work; as usual my soul is consumed with avarice. XD
HeelBayley4Life chapter 1 . 8/11/2008
That was awesome!
whoompah chapter 1 . 8/11/2008
this is fantastic! it has so much emotion to it and the way you word things is excellent! the ending made me a bit teary for some reason XD my favourite bit has gotta be this one:

“Oh, but you are more than you think,” the other whispered to him, taking his chin between a finger and a thumb and jerking his head up again. “You want someone else to do it for you, so the blame won’t be placed on you. That’s why you need me. You want me to take that burden from you. And, unlike you, I am not a coward. I am ready to take responsibility for my actions in order to get what I want.”

I find that unbelieveably hot, yet so... AGH I just can't find the word for it! thank you so much for this! I truly enjoy it!
Peach Wookiee chapter 1 . 8/11/2008
I suppose it could be argued that Judai/Jaden and Johan/Jesse are so alike, Yubel could've attached to either one somehow. An interesting pairing and story, CLG. I liked it.