Reviews for Four Years Gone
Sarai chapter 4 . 8/29/2018
I like it.
Carol chapter 1 . 3/21/2014
I enjoyed your story.
Smackalicious chapter 2 . 9/6/2008
Well, Lauren and Rebecca have nothing to worry about, that's what I think. :) Oh, I so adore this. But it's Bramy, so of course I would. That whole black families conversation? Oh man. I remember when I saw that, I just wanted to seriously punch Bruce. Agh. But you resolved it nicely here. :) And it looks like you had some formatting issues somewhere? There are black spots all over the screen. Weird.
Ss67 chapter 3 . 8/25/2008
Great story! I'm loving it!
Smackalicious chapter 1 . 8/15/2008
Oh man, I just remembered to check in to see if you'd written anything new and here this was! Haha, love the end. That's just perfect. Bruce is so freaking aggravating; you had him so in-character, how he's always be, "We're not friends, you're my boss." I always hated that. And then all the excuses he had for them not getting involved once he admitted they were friends? Seriously. Just admit you're in love with her and get on with it! LOL. But you know all that already. Yay, can't wait for more!