Reviews for Death of the Glossy Magazine
EagleFox chapter 1 . 12/16/2008
Haha good one XDD

When I first saw the cover for the Glossy Magazine I was like "Seriously?" But this is an interesting spin on it.
Twilight Scribe chapter 1 . 8/16/2008
AHAHAHAHA! Kat m'dear, you're a genius. You really are.

Heh. My ribs hurt...
Ayame Majikku chapter 1 . 8/14/2008
XD That... was priceless... Cless' final words at the end were the best... And I can imagine something like that happening, sadly. XD'

As for Arche... :D' I guess she was in the back at the time, not fighting the monster?

Anyway, great job~ I love it! XD This is definitely a favorite!