Reviews for Endless Roads
LastOrder1 chapter 1 . 1/12/2013
Very nice story. This one seriously deserves to have a lot more reviews. Anyways, great story:)
GoldenShinyWireOfHope chapter 1 . 10/31/2008
You know, I was really sceptical before reading this story because there are so many "end of Crisis Core" stories and I often find them a little pointless, since, lets face it, we all know what's going to happen anyway.

You suprised me though, there was something incredibly moving about your account, especially Zack's contemplation about Nibelheim, and how the wider world would have no idea that it would happen. You have a really nice writing style, and even through the one sided conversation (which I could imagine might have been difficult to write) you managed to convey something really profound and sweet about their friendship.

I noticed that there's only one other review on this and I'm honestly baffled. I can only assume its because people were put off by the often-used subject matter. I hope you don't see the lack of reviews as a slight on your fic. That would be a real shame. Your writing was excellent, your characterisation of Zack was perfect, and perhaps most importantly in a fic like this, you stayed away from the obvious to produce something really original. This is a real gem.

Long review I know - but I hope you take that as a complement!
wheatear chapter 1 . 8/15/2008
Nice fic. Poor Zack, he's always so positive and he supports Cloud even though he knows Shinra are catching up with them.