Reviews for Impracticality
Miss Bridget Sharpe chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
I suppose it was time for me to review this story.
I have to say I think you did an absolutely fantastic job and I'm not just saying that because I love love love love Pinger to pieces.

I love the whole scenario with Ginger venturing out and then the Professor going out to look for her. Thought it was cute that Ginger even in the middle of a storm, worries about her dress and the Professor getting exasperated and telling her they don't have time to worry about such things.

Very hot with Professor taking his shirt off and giving it to Ginger so she can keep herself warm of course I loved her cuddling up to him to "keep warm" Yes Ginger you just wanted to "keep warm". As Dr. Evil would say "Riiiiiiiigghht."

I also loved the part with Mary Ann worrying about Gilligan. It shows just how much she cares about the first mate. Not only does she loved him but with the exception of Ginger, he is her very best friend. It was so touching. I adored that.

This entire story was wonderful and I must say I think you got the Howells down pretty darn good. I can see Mr. Howell with his guilty look about noticing Ginger even though he didn't mean it in that sense but he didn't want Lovey to think he thought that.

Wonderful job and I do hope you write some more Gilligan's Island stuff soon.
Kiersten Baker chapter 1 . 6/4/2014
How sweet!But in my opinion The Professor and Maryann should have gottten together , and then Gilligan would have gotten with Ginger.
Teobi chapter 1 . 1/16/2012
I don't know if you're still around on ffnet, but just wanted to say how much I loved this story! The MAG and GP shipping was just adorable beyond words! Thank you!
friend2friend chapter 1 . 5/29/2011
Good story.. you stayed true to the characters in the show..G/P would have made a great couple
ddeaadaccountt chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
Holy nuts, I think this is the best yet I've read in this section! Had my nerves twisting and turning with excitement and glee. A definite fav, well written and all!

Grey-EyedGirl chapter 1 . 3/24/2009
Jiminy krispies, I love this story! It was not only super sweet but also perfectly in character. Great job!
Skymouth chapter 1 . 3/12/2009
I love how you revisited how everyone first met on the Minnow. Nice and steamy stuff between G/P. Had been hoping for something similar for M/G. Had to giggle that Gilligan didn't get the Skipper's hint at staying in the hole. Poor Mary Ann will have to be a bit more aggressive if she wants to land Gilligan as her man.
Mary Rose chapter 1 . 12/11/2008
Nice one. I love sweet and sappy.
Manda-of-the-6 chapter 1 . 11/26/2008

I love Ginger X Professor fics, they're my favorite!

Mrs.GingerHinkley chapter 1 . 8/21/2008
Congradulations on a very entertaining story! I absolutely loved every moment of it. It was woven together nicely so certain things happened that enhanced the story but didn't seem unnatural. The cave scene in particular, which could have been very awkward, was dealt with nicely and seemed realistic enough for Gilligan's Island.

The only thing I would note out is that while I enjoyed the Howells' humor, sometimes I thought it a tad unfitting to either their characters or the situation. However, I myself find the Howells' witty sense of humor hard to capture without seeming pretensious so it really wasn't that bad.

Once again, loved the story so much! Thanks for the G/Pness, I can't wait to read more!
deeply-spaced chapter 1 . 8/17/2008
Woah! I love the Professor and I LOVED this story! Thank you so much! I hope you plan on writing more Professor stories. He's so fun to read. Lots of possibilities. I've always wondered what would happen if the Professor got seriously injured. How would the other castaways band together to help him and help themselves? Reading your story was a delight and left me wanting more! Excellent!