Reviews for Hey There Delilah
KelsiLovesLucas chapter 2 . 9/7/2008
So you pretty much have my attention... continue please. I'm curious about what'll happen. *sits and waits patiently*

PS. you like Lucas Grabeel. Therefore, I love you.
jsrsuperstar chapter 2 . 8/29/2008
This is potentially my new FAVORITE story! I love the plot lines and I can't wait for more!
CeliaLauna chapter 2 . 8/29/2008

You're writing style is kinda funny, I can get a good laugh out of your story, too. I really like how you can make Ryan say those stupid things, and all the mumbeling etc. And, even when Troy says he's okay with it that Chad and Ryan are together, I think he can't really get used to it, and just thinks more that Ryan is Chads girlfriend or something.

Update asap! ~x~ Celia
EstrellaDeRoca chapter 2 . 8/19/2008
pah in your disclaimer, you put just so you know, and i was like, aren't you going to put you own that song?

then i thought, ah. she didn't even mention it. :)

jesse mccartney - just so you know is such a great song :P

and good chapter, btw :)
BabyStarStruck chapter 2 . 8/18/2008
luv it )
GDrone chapter 2 . 8/18/2008
I'm hoping for some Rypay- that would be fun.

And, I dunno, maybe make Troy gay or something.

That would be just plain funny.

I personally despise Chad Danforth, but I'm sticking with this story thus far.
EstrellaDeRoca chapter 1 . 8/15/2008
paha, chyan. never really read this couple. always thought it was kinda weird... but when they sing together, ah. sexbeans mixed together in a salad. kudos to you, samantha. :)
This guy doesnt have a clue chapter 1 . 8/15/2008
Okay your a tease I dont like you any more.

I like the storys just not you. :)