Reviews for Infamous
Akiracatalina chapter 20 . 10/17/2009
Kemplicia and Jalicia. They weren't really couples to begin with. Now they're unofficially over. Now Aly and Claire can fight for Josh instead of Aly and Alicia. I hope Closh wins. They're so adorable! Will Chris choose Dylan or Tessa or neither? Will Cam ever get a GF? It better not be Claire. Mempsey's cute, but Massington is so much cuter. Jempsey's pretty cute too.
aly's munchkin chapter 20 . 10/12/2009
Haha, so this is my first time reviewing my own story. But I just want to say thanks to all the reviewers :)

Akiracatalina: Lol, I'm afraid some couples will have to get discarded - like Clam. For me, they don't work so I split them up early on. And Mempsey for sure is pretty much done. Dempsey is kinda annoying now XD

As for Chelsea, it's up to the reader to decide what's happened to her. All we know is that she's out of the PC's lives because of her problems.

And yeah, I never tortured Kristen because I've always found her to be a boring character. So I guess Chelsea was never too interested in her :P

I have a lot more planned ahead, so keep reading. Thanks :)


Aly's munchkin
Akiracatalina chapter 19 . 10/12/2009
Jaly or Jalicia? Dovert or Tovert? Mempsey or Jempsey? Clam or Closh? Massington and Kremp? If only all the couples weren't so adorable. First Chelsea gets amnesia and now Jackie told Derrick about Mempsey. Just when I think this fic can't get anymore dramatic, it does. Yay drama!
Akiracatalina chapter 18 . 10/11/2009
I just reread the last seventeen chapters. They were even better the second time! Yay drama! So Massie found out that Chelsea's a psychopath and she still likes her. Well, Massie's an idiot. I'm surprised Chelsea never tormented Kristen. Chelsea has amnesia, right? She better have amnesia.
tess the magic dragon chapter 19 . 5/27/2009
JACKIE CHAN. why didn't you tell me you wrote/posted two chapters?

Or, better yet, why didn't FanFicNet tell me?

Kristen's not dead, haha. Right? Cause she probably had soccer...

I loved the ending on chapter 18, by the way. "Who are you?" Haha, Chelsea can't remember. Although I feel bad for her. Not really, though. Cause she' :

Must go update my stories. Ta-ta!

Iwillmarryjacobblack chapter 19 . 5/19/2009
OMJ! i love this story its one of the most original ones i ahve read! please write more! i hope kristens not dead i really like her
wy7 chapter 19 . 5/12/2009
i hope massington gets back together. chelsea got what she deserved
obscurci la lumiere chapter 3 . 3/17/2009
no way

those lbrs should so not win!
tess the magic dragon chapter 17 . 1/19/2009
I'm utterly confused since you've stopped being on AIM and emailing and having me edit. That's okay, cause I have stupid finals :

But...wait. Is Chelsea dead? *prepares for excitement*


Oh, and have you read any of Lisi Harrison's blog posts lately? The PC supposedly breaks up :
uhmeeleeuh chapter 17 . 1/6/2009
I love this story :) I need an update or I will leap off a bridge. How could you leave us hanging with an ending like that ;)

chynisgrl chapter 17 . 12/23/2008
. . This was awesome! I cannawt believe Chelsea would stoop so freaking low! i love this story! lol. keep it up jackie :)
Kaiyla Rose chapter 17 . 12/23/2008

I love that I'm in this story(:

Amazingful chapter. IS CHELSEA DEAD?
Paix et Adore chapter 17 . 12/23/2008
Wow. Chelsea got shot. YES!FINALLY!...oops, that's a little mean...LOL. Great story! Update as soon as you can please!
Akiracatalina chapter 17 . 12/23/2008
So Chelsea's not only a psycho. She's a psycho with a gun. I'm glad the girls pushed her out the window. I wonder what will happen to Dylan.
Rabbitstorm chapter 17 . 12/23/2008
Ohmygod, this sounds crazy but,

THANK GOD SHE'S DEAD! Chelsea's a total bitch and I've waited forever for her to finally die! Thank you Kendall for killing her. But I can't help thinking that something bad is going to happen and how are they supposed to explain why she's dead?
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