Reviews for Because I love you
Calle chapter 52 . 3/31/2018
Hmph..trilogy my ass :(
Calle chapter 34 . 3/31/2018
I really like your stories and the plot you have is wonderful, but do you think maybe you should get a beta? Sometimes its hard to understand the sentences without the proper punctuation...but other than that, this is amazing. Hope I helped in anyway lol 3
Guest chapter 52 . 1/10/2017
You can't do this to me!
Where's the third book?
What did Bella get on her finals!
Ohmigid your evil!
mistyann thomas chapter 52 . 6/17/2015
Great read
guest 101 chapter 52 . 1/11/2015
guest 101 chapter 18 . 1/10/2015
You are amazing... like omgosh u have a freakin gift... so jelly :P
jnwkinghotmail chapter 52 . 11/2/2014

This was a very interesting story,really enjoyable. Just a question is English your second language if so this is even more amazing. Well done
Aisha chapter 48 . 3/20/2014
I am sitting on my table... With books by my side... Tons of hw... But i cant even look at it... Not because i dnt like it... I like studying... Okay that sounds nerdy.. But because of this amazing sequel to an another amazing chapter... I am shit glued... It gives me immense pleasure to tell u that you are an amazing writer.. You are a writer.. But i cant force you to do this.. This needs to be fun for you.. And not a part of your to-do things... Please continue writing when you feel better...
Lalkci2 chapter 2 . 1/6/2013
I have to say after reading the first one I had NO LIFE! Haha I literally read your story all the time! Then I figured out there is a sequel, and i am so pumped! :) looking forward to reading it!
reobessed chapter 2 . 9/15/2012
tht was so sweet
PS:that is my actual author name
Darzu chapter 52 . 7/11/2012
Amazing stories you write! It's have been a pleasure to read them. I don't know if you are writing the third part anymore, but hoping and waiting :)
Adin chapter 52 . 4/28/2012
THIS WAS AMAING! I have been addicted to reading these two books for a while now and now that they are finished im kind of sad. You are an EXCELLENT writer. this really is your gift. you are very talented and hopefully you will continue with this trilogy. I really enjoyed reading this story and I pray that you will continue. This is possibly the BEST fanfiction that I have ever read. This story has depth to it and an amazing plot. I hope that you will continue this as soon as possible. YOu have an amazing talent.
Ffion-lousie-summers3 chapter 46 . 4/5/2012
omg carry on writing please!
Ffion chapter 34 . 4/5/2012
Don't worry about ir! i think this story is really good so far! i love ir1 i loved the first one i read ir about 4 times then i found this one i was so happy! some people are just really horrible! but i think your writing skills are brill. i would have never came up with a story like this! i love ir thanks for writing ir! carry on writing another seqeul i dont know yet cause i havent finished this one but thanks!:)xxxxx
jus2read chapter 52 . 12/18/2011
OMG )) I loved this story )) One of the best that I have read! Completely original plot D You wrote this story 2 years ago so, I'm assuming the triology won't happen (( But then again thats up to you...

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