Reviews for Why don't we paint the town?
Ka chapter 18 . 10/7/2013
Jazz, his control over who he is, and out of proportion rumours: Even cooler than Megatron.
Ka chapter 1 . 10/7/2013
... All-spark infused fix-it Megatron is awesome.
creativesm75 chapter 18 . 3/28/2011
hecate-19 chapter 18 . 6/9/2009
I'm glad to see this updated. It's really funny to see how a small running gag among the Autobots could evolve into the Decepticons' scariest Urban Legend.

I wonder, though. Does Megatron know about Prowl's reputation among his army, and does he:

A. Keep telling his mechs (and himself) that they're just rumors spread by the Autobots to demoralize the Decepticons, but secretly believes them himself to some degree and hides it by making sure that on the rare occasion that Prowl joins in the battle, he fights with mechs on the side that's farthest away from Prowl.

Or B. He knows that the rumors about Prowl are just wild exaggerations and tried to convince his army that Prowl is not as bad as they believed, but with little to no success. So instead, he uses Prowl as a deterrent to those who don't fully believe in the Decepticon way and have thought about defecting to the Autobots; because as bad as being with the Decepticons can be, just think of how much worse it can be working on the same as Prowl, the Sparkless Slave-driver?

BTW, I have an idea for how could Jazz attempt to convince Megatron to let him go see his fellow Autobots in America, if only for a little while. PM me if you're interested.
Tugera chapter 18 . 6/8/2009
Ahh! Yer writin this agaain. D

Loll, all fear Proowl. DD
cmdrtekk chapter 18 . 6/7/2009
This was worth the wait.

Thank you for sharing.
dolose chapter 18 . 6/7/2009
I've missed this story, so glad to see it's back! *happy dance*
narmoture chapter 18 . 6/7/2009
I had to go back to read the previous chapter to get this one, but once I did...! *cackles*

I can see Jazz using this to the max, and I can't even imagine what sort of trouble he could cause - especially if Prowl remains clueless. XD

haha, lovely chapter!
Vedda chapter 18 . 6/7/2009
(Kind of funny. Just friday I was wondering where you was)

Decepticon's gossips are bordering urban legends, and Jazz is helping a lot. I wanna see when Prowl came back online.

"worse than Starscream"? Sure!
bbratteberget chapter 18 . 6/7/2009
Ha,ha,ha,one of the funniest and best fic i have read here,cant wait for the next update ;)
PrancingTiger86 chapter 18 . 6/7/2009
yay for update! I love the thought that Prowl scares the Decepticons sparkless, awesome. XD. And Jazz laughing himself stupid? yea just about right. Update soon please
Hemlock Dalise chapter 18 . 6/7/2009
Interesting take on the rumour mill between the 'bots and 'cons.

Also funny as all get-out. I can't wait for the next chapter, I hope you'll be introducing Prowl in the flesh, so to speak? I'd love to see his reaction to the living Jazz.

Reports was just the icing on the cake, great chapter.
narmoture chapter 17 . 2/28/2009
This is so crack(ing) good! Megatron, the Allspark. *gigglefits*

Scavenger the worrywart! Jazz the irresistible (how long will it take him to go through the base? XD). Loved the prowl-jazz interaction, and how all the 'cons are afraid of him. hehe..

Crack at its best!
FloofWolfe chapter 17 . 12/15/2008

I was following this on the kink meme and was DELIGHTED to find out that it's being continued!

And I can see Prowl crashing when he finds out that Jazz overloaded Megs.

"You...and...him...but, he killed you..." *THUMP*
NybCR chapter 17 . 10/20/2008
Heehee, oh dear. Seems like everyone's afraid of Prowl. And I love the little "code" thing they have going on-very nice touch.
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