Reviews for Heaven and Hell
AnonymousReader1414 chapter 37 . 12/27/2014
Okay, i know this story is actually few years old hehe.
But WOW! What a fanfic! I used my days to read this fanfic finished! And i must say, i haven't read this kind of thing before!
You did it so good with planning plots, twisting episodes and some cute and dramatic scenes!
(Even though i though Deep Blue kissing Kisshu was wierd... )

It was like watching 37 episodes of anime! Really great done! I really liked the way the plot was and how you put the lyrics in and such.

Thank you for sharing!
Guest chapter 37 . 9/1/2012
Ichigo x Kisshu FOREVER 8D amazing job it was so cute x3
Guest chapter 3 . 7/3/2012
So far real awesome! Just love the emotions everyone has just like they would really act as if it was written like this - just love it!
kisshulove4eva chapter 37 . 6/21/2012
*sniff* *sniff*...that was beautiful...*sniff*

such a beautiful ending but...*sniff* the story's over! T.T
KishigoFan111 chapter 37 . 10/15/2011
I Just joined fanfiction net because i wanted to review on your story u are so frickin talented this was an amazing story
The Kelpie chapter 35 . 6/3/2011
a little fanart art/Heaven-and-Hell-211026805
The Kelpie chapter 37 . 5/28/2011
This is the fic MOST Longer and more beautiful Kish/Ichigo I read in my life. In several chapters I thought I would cry ... I swear.

In fact I was in tears when Kisshu, Pai Taruto and die and they say they could not return. I think I never read something so good that make me laugh, mourn, get anxious and even a little hot XDDDD Really very very great fic! I've been reading from sunrise (and now is night) I hardly moved from the PC because I could not stop reading! T~T thanks. I love you for writing this! 3
daydreamer-cloudwatcher chapter 1 . 5/14/2011
I found this through DeviantART and I'm so glad already! But omg Kisshu is a vampire! As long as he doesn't sparkle I'm extremely happy with that :L. Next chapter time yaaaay x
newmew4you chapter 4 . 5/11/2011
KisshuChan chapter 37 . 5/9/2011
That... last... chapter... was PERFECT! I F*CKING LOVE YOU!

Heaven and Hell stole my heart completely...

So I ended up beginning making some fanart of it ;

I hope it is okay? :P

Tailsdoll123 chapter 37 . 5/8/2011
Fantastic story i loved and enjoyed every bit of it!
Ichigo Hanyou chapter 28 . 4/15/2011
Animal I have become was a nice song choice for this chapter. the best song you've used so far in my opinion. But that's probably because it's my favorite song.
dark shadowed rose chapter 36 . 11/9/2010
Out of curiosity have you watched Code Lyoko by any chance? because the ending scene in this chapter makes me want to push a key on a key board...
mew mew 124 chapter 6 . 9/4/2009
Oh this story is so good!

I've been reading it over and over and over again!

The story is just is great full of romance, drama, tragity...

I absolutly luv the story, I hope u write more good stories like this 1!
Meg-buix chapter 37 . 7/17/2009
this could/Should be a movie!Lovd it!
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