Reviews for A Few Mushy Bits
miserychicks chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
Ha! These are hilarious. Sadly, they are also true. Oh well, I'm more of a Natsu/Hotaru Luca/Mikan type person. But honestly, if it isn't canon no one writes a fic about it. And so, I'm off to read about my favourite couple in GA...Naru/Misaki! Yea!
Irrevocable Memory chapter 2 . 6/4/2009
It's so weird and insane and yet makes so much sense
hurricaneblast chapter 1 . 2/13/2009
LOL. That was soo funny.

"Hate is not hate, it is love."


You are so right. But I dunno, there's just something interesting about the fighting-all-the-time thing.


But seriously, this is just hilarious.
AngelFromHell101 chapter 2 . 2/10/2009
haha i cant haha stop haha laughing! hahahaha great story!hahaha
IllaSc chapter 2 . 2/1/2009
*claps resoundingly*



This fic needed to be written, and oh you have delivered. :D
buttcake chapter 2 . 11/16/2008
For number 15, XD Natsume forgot who Princessessaessa Meekan was~ Or did he not know? Meh~
buttcake chapter 1 . 11/16/2008
So much mushiness XD Everything ended mushily with a mushy ending... Wow that was repetitive -.-" XD

Really mushily funny~
Crimson Memories chapter 2 . 10/8/2008
Ok, how about this. Best friends don't have to be in love with each other but they should be allowed to one or two 'random hook-ups' and 'make someone else jealous' kisses with a ff. I lmao at this btw,I love how you talk about how Natsume just decides to pick the loser nobody Mikan to make Luna jealous, like that would actually happen.

Now that I think of this though, I have some great fanfic recommendation for you that include these types of cliches but are still enjoyable~Cm

P.S.- I may just end up reviewing everything you've ever written today, I have another fifteen hours of being sick and doing nothing in front of my,so who knows.
Crimson Memories chapter 1 . 10/8/2008
God am I happy I decided to make Natsume and Mikan both in the 'In' crowd in my next fic...I avoided a cliche! yay!

But I know you didn't base this on anything, but I could think of at least one fic for each example you have...I love the fics to. I mean their not bad and most of the fics I thought whilst reading this were actually a few of my favorite.
Wrath of Athena chapter 2 . 9/26/2008
Rone! I'm alive! And I can review!


I loved the second chapter! Hahaha, you did a great job making a parody out of the Sakura Tree. XD


Favorite Quote:

"What are YOU doing here, anyway?" said Mikan out loud. "You're always under my favourite Sakura Tree!"

"No, what are YOU doing here? I'm only sitting here 'cos this stupid Tree keeps following me around!"


I mean, seriously, the hilarity of this one is at par with Helga Pataki following Arnold around.


As for # 12, you're probably the first author I've seen who spurred something funny from the emotion of grief.

Favorite Quote:


"I HATE YOUU!" shouted Mikan. "And now I'm going to go into the five stages of grief over the loss of my first kiss!"

"I HATE YOU! Oh, wait, actually, I already went through the anger stage a few sentences ago ... so now I'm meant to be bargaining! Natsume, what can I do to make you give back that kiss?"


Hahahaha! XD You come up with the most interesting of dialogues!

Sadly though, #13 has more plot than some GA fics I've read. .

I'm in laughsville right now, especially after reading this one:


And so Luna struck Natsume off the Hot List for the second time and gave up on the idea of such a person as she finding love, especially in fanfiction.


And this one hit me right on the spot:


"Obviously, even if we HADN'T already been married, we would have fallen in love at first sight anyway," said Mikan wisely. Natsume nodded his agreement. "Because you can never, ever give the canon couple an unhappy ending or a terrible marriage."




Mikan was the prettiest girl in the school, no doubt about it. Comparisons had been made between her and Aphrodite, Venus, Helen of Troy, you name it. And Natsume was the handsomest boy in school - surely not even the perfection of the Greek gods themselves could have compared to his manly manliness.


That's right. Venus might as well turn back to foam in second place and Apollo will have to toy with the idea of burning everyone to death.

Thank you for writing this! I got myself the lulz I've been throbbing to read. Ngyahahaha!

Your fan even if the world ends and NxM files for divorce,

Hellix D'ell chapter 2 . 9/9/2008
holy...THAT was hilarious! I fell off my chair laughing..wait..was that before or after I died doing the same? Great work! keep it up!
Snow Sparkle chapter 2 . 9/9/2008
(Stretches) Soo... I've read this before on my word processor (since my net connection was off that time) and made a silent oath to review this. And this is so funny! I can't stop laughing when I was reading this! You really know how to deal your stuff! Yesh, mush is good but too much mush is sickening. I love the way you put (on the first chapter) the kissing scenes. It was like: "They HAD to kiss every effin time!" And, you don't like Mary Sues very much, don't you? Me... I hate them... especially when they convert Mikan into one. But I do admit, I love the perfect Natsume! I can't simply resist it. XD

I hope there's more of this fickies!

- Sparkie.
illutia mist chapter 2 . 9/8/2008
Lol! It's fun!XD

All of this is quite cliche mushy things in the fanfiction XD

The magic of Sakura tree, problems, forced marriage, stolen kiss, childhood friends...Oops. I have a few stories included those things too. Hehe :p

But one thing that I try to avoid is the mushy 16. If the main characters are perfect, or you call it flawless, it will be no fun and less conflict. I prefer to torture them. Muahahaha! :)

...Okay, I'm an evil author...-sighs-

Anyway, nice ficlets!

~illutia mist XD
CalmCrescendo chapter 1 . 9/5/2008

i like this!
Wrath of Athena chapter 1 . 8/30/2008
You have no idea how much I celebrated when I you uploaded this leaflet. XD I've always wanted to read something like this, and you're probably the only one here who could pull this off with all the right hilarities. Yes indeed, not all mushy stories are bad. A badly-written & sparsely developed mushy/fluffy/angsty/(insert everything that applies) story is bad. :)

Oh hey, honestly, your works seriously impressed me (including your art). My opinion is just, well, an opinion but I'm not the type to praise just anyone. _ Most of the time, I'm quite frank in my reviews...which probably discouraged a few writers here and there. When I do become engrossed with someone's works, I'm very generous with my praises. I know your fleeting moments of depression would strike again and again (like it does with me) but in my opinion your writing is something at par, if not above, some published works. :P

On to the review! It may not be the same laugh-out-loud leaflet like the other "How-To-Write" fics, but I think it actually suits the 'NxM first kiss' theme. The surprise humorous effect is still here, and that's what I love about it.

To quote my favorite (uh) quote:

1. "...which was ok because they were totally in love and didn't care that they had only been going out for a day..."

Now this is so true. XD

2. "And thus their two kingdoms were joined in holy matrimony, and they both were now twice as rich as before through some lucky loophole in the legal write-up, and they all lived happily ever after."

If only all marriages end up like this, I wonder what kind of world it would be? XD

Holy matrimony! Twenty-four children and a dog! Oh my god, now that one had me in laughing fits. lolz

3. "So she DID pursue her relationship with the love of her life, Natsume, and he forsook the charms of Luna and Sumire and instead went out with Mikan."

(snickering madness) XD

4. "Natsume, the resident hot guy, had a small crush on Luna, one of the co-leaders of the Popular Plastics. But she had rejected him. He thought and thought for a long time, and finally devised his master plan. He would pretend to go out with someone else, maybe that unpopular girl Mikan Sakura, but actually it was just to make Luna get jealous. And then she would want him. It was a plan that just couldn't fail - or so he thought."

That's probably the worst decision he could ever make in his life. Nobody could ever defy the NxM canon, not even Natsume.

5. "Luna gasped, slapped him with her pink handbag and stalked off. "Mari, strike Natsume off the Hot Guy list!" she called to one of her minions."

Bwahahaha! Go Luna! XD

6. "But one day, she woke up and realised something - it wasn't hate she was feeling, it was love."

You know, this reminds me of an old "They Attack You When You Sleep" horror movie about these alien parasites taking over people's bodies. (I think it's by Stephen King? I'm not sure.)

Great work in this first chapter. :D Yes, you're on a roll! Though I can't promise my slow reviewing can keep up with it (I don't usually like reviewing if I hadn't read and absorbed everything)...and thanks for sort of dedicating the fic to me. :)

I'm also a dedicated fan of yours. Oh my god, did that just sound mushy to you? No.
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