Reviews for Worse than Death
Boris Yeltsin chapter 1 . 10/14/2014
Very well written.
rb2013 chapter 1 . 11/16/2013
Poor Azula. I love Azula and her story saddens me. U captured the emotion perfectly. I'm going to read the rest of this story now. :)
Artistically Creative chapter 1 . 10/31/2011
I think I already read this fix before...a seriously long time ago back when I was still an anon. Anyways, awesome fic and good job! :)

~Sofia...real name...


adding this to my faces and subscription alert list.
Darkfire chapter 1 . 4/6/2009
Awesome story. Very well written. Though at the end of the actual tv show (the finale, Sozin's Comet) I prayed they would not take Azula's bending away. The title of this story could not be more appropriate, taking her bending away IS a fate worse than death. I could cry for her. Her bending is all she has left. It would be kinder to kill her. But like I said, a very well written story. I will look out for any future stories of yours :)

Data Seeker chapter 1 . 1/18/2009
Dear Author

A very entertaining one shot.

You did the characters very well. I have certain opinions on little details, but still, you did very well.

The quality is pretty good. Good narration, dialog, emotion, and character interaction, reactions and inaction.

The plot is interesting, as Zuko and Aang consider the sitaution. And then Aang does it.

I can imagine Azula would be hurt, if she could think clearly, or if she'll ever think clearly in the future. But she is dangerious and hopefully she'll find her path.

The wholesome standards are high.

The language is clean.

Nothing is suggestively offensive.

No extreme violence or any other vile content.

Also, the moral debate was good too; and you handled a certain detail well.

I hope this review brightens your day. God bless.

Data Seeker

P.S. if you plan on making a sequel, let me know and I'll read and review it.
Sammy chapter 1 . 9/4/2008
First off, welcome to writing for the fandom! I hope you enjoy your stay. D

Second, this was a pretty good fic! It’s well written, though I found a few grammar and structural mistakes, and there were a couple of other details I’d question personally, but on the whole, this was a nice fic like I said.

I think you should take another look at the series. Aang had a lot of problems getting into the Avatar State. He only ever went into it when he was in danger or someone he cared deeply about was in danger except on one occasion, and Azula KO’d him right as he was getting into it and nearly killed him. He didn’t enter the Avatar State again until the finale, and only when Ozai had smashed him against a rock. I have my own thoughts about that whole thing, but I won’t get into them here. You can email me if you want to talk about it.

Really, I don’t believe that he would have such control over it so quickly, the way you have in your fic. So while binding Azula’s Chakras (and it’s Chakras, not ‘Chakra’s’ as you have it in your fic, BTW, because it’s supposed to be plural, not possessive in that case) is a good idea, I doubt that Aang would do it by going into the Avatar State. I know this is a one-shot, but you did ask for con-crit, so here it is.

Also, your dialogue formatting isn’t right. The way I learned it, you only use a comma as a lead into dialogue if there is a tag somewhere in that first sentence, and you use a period if there isn’t a tag. So, for example, it should look like this:

Aang gave Zuko a dirty look. “You mean I should do it.”

And the way I learned it, you use a comma after a statement in dialogue (but not for an exclamation or a question) if you have a dialogue tag right after it.

So, your “‘It’s done.’ Aang said…” should be “‘It’s done,’ Aang said…”

There are also one or two places in this fic where you suddenly change point of view. You jump from Zuko’s point of view to Aang’s and then back.

Other than that, though, this was very nicely done, and I hope to see more from you.
SilverKyo chapter 1 . 9/3/2008
Aww, i'm not first review :(, but atleast i made second. i liked the story, it was a nice, simple one shot and to the point, but showed depth. It displayed how much Zuko had matured from the malevolent prick he was in the first season, that he would regret taking away his sister's, who he hated, bending. He knew that, even after all he did, she was still his sister. I liked that portrayal of Zuko, and truthfully, Azula was probably long gone as it was. But not having bending would totally destroy her sense of self, if she still had it, and Zuko sympathizing with that is something i love. i've read too many stories lately where he doesn't care about Azula at all and her well being, like he's some cold, heartless monster. i've read one too many of those lately, so this was a nice relief. i'm looking forward to your next work of literary art.
dddeleteddd chapter 1 . 9/3/2008
i like this. It was one of my first questions after the finale; how they would deal with Azula.

This really pained me, but it's in character for Zuko and gives some sort of hope that without bending, maybe Azula can heal a different way.

All in all, nice one-shot :)