Reviews for Interlude: Between the First and Second Day
MorganSkylar chapter 1 . 1/6/2017
you break my heart when I read that Kvothe reject Bast
valenros chapter 1 . 4/30/2015
This was so sweet and so sad. I don't even know what to feel :o Anyway, thanks for writing it!
Ayame Natsu chapter 1 . 3/25/2011
This was amazing. I've read both Name of the Wind and A Wise Man's Fears, and have fallen in love with the way Patrick Rothfuss writes-you write nearly the same as he does.

Terrific job. I applaude you. You've won yourself a very good fan.
MIS-MATCHED SOCKS chapter 1 . 3/3/2011
I so think bast loves kvothe. I'm glad someone else thinks it's possible. I love the way you write and I also liled your fic.
naticariza chapter 1 . 1/21/2011
I loved this ff until the kiss, because ewww it felt like kissing a brother, but then i continue reading and it became cute so more please!
dheerani chapter 1 . 1/8/2011
I like how you have kept exactly to Rothfuse's writing style and how maintained Kvothe's gravity. Though chronicler might have been a little less bland or perhaps given more resistance to spilling bast's requests as Bast's threats were a lot more impressive than kvothe's.

I think it unlikely that they would kiss, mainly because Kvothe is clearly still broken hearted over Dainne. That much is clear from when he describes her back in the book. But then again what do we know.

I can understand where you get the idea, because the Bast in the novil does seem extraordinarily sensitive and over protective of Kvothe,- enough to appear a lover. He is going to extraordinary legths such as spreading rumors intentionally to wake him from lethargy/ monotony, sitting up through the night to check if he is alright after Kvothe is wounded, singing/wishing to give him his 'fire', and of course threatening chronicler.

On the whole a good job...
Kazassin chapter 1 . 11/4/2010
Beautiful 3
WillowSioui chapter 1 . 5/26/2010
This is absolutely amazing, THElaughingUNIVERSE. I loved it completely. You honestly should try to write a novel of your own, you knwo. You have an amazing talent many only wish to possess.

BTW, do you know when A Wise Man's Fear comes out in Canada and the States?
666-HyuugaNeji-999 chapter 1 . 4/7/2010
I really like the idea of a relationship between Bast and Kvothe, i nearly wrote one myself but then i spotted yours :) It's great to find a fanfic like this where the characters aren't too OOC to be believable. chapter 1 . 8/6/2009
Well, that was an interesting and unique take on the book I suppose.

Erm, well, it did seem rather strange to me, the pairing. But, it is fanfiction and it is yours. So, well, thanks for contributing to this new section.

Er, yea, that's it. Unique take.
Irregularity chapter 1 . 5/15/2009

I apologize, but I'm a more Dianne/Kvothe or an Ella/Kvothe shipper than a Bast/Kvothe person...though unfortunately, there aren't any stories with pairings of my preference, for there seem to be only one or two stories in this section, which is a huge surprise for me... I mean, really, isn't the book a work of art or what?

Anyways, Bast Kvothe ick

nice story though ;P
Ron chapter 1 . 5/11/2009
This started out pretty cool, but the relationship between Bast and Kvothe bascily creeped me out...
Ebbagull chapter 1 . 4/22/2009
Hi. Firstly, I'd like to thank you simply for writing a fic in this fandom.

Secondly, I'd like to thank you for writing a great fic, where you manage to keep the people (and fae, as it is) completley in character, and the language the same as in the book. (Which is a rare thing in the world of fanfiction, as we all know)

God. The Name of the Wind would make an amazing movie, don't you think?

I love Bast and the heated moments when the glamour fades. I love Kvothe and his changing eyes. I love Fela and her awesomness. I love Auri and everything about her. I love Elodin most of all.

And I would love to see more of your work. :)

Please keep writing. Maybe something with the Master Namer..?
sonataOfdeath chapter 1 . 3/20/2009
that was beautiful.

you've captured the emotions of the characters perfectly and the ending made me want to cry so much.

when i read the ending of the book, my first thought was whether bast was in love with kvothe and this scene would have fit wonderfully in the book. how i wish it were true...

because given time, i believe kvothe would have fallen in love with bast. how could he not?
Naerry-Owl chapter 1 . 3/10/2009
I really do love this little story! I think it grasps the mood of the book quite well. It could almost be a chapter in the original... It is perfectly suitable!

And I adore the pairing as well...
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