Reviews for Aftermath
LdyJulanna chapter 1 . 6/7/2019
Very enjoyable story bitter sweet. Thank you :-) LdyJulanna
Wispr chapter 1 . 7/10/2009
You were right... a real tearjerker but told with style and elegance befitting the subject matter. Hope someday you may do a sequel maybe showing snapshots of the following years.

GingerWitchWriter chapter 1 . 9/14/2008
You made me cry! I sat here and read all this last night...and I cried!

It was a beautiful (though tragic!) story...and like others have said, you captured Henry's regal words very well...Vicki was more emotional than I had seen her, but given her hormones and the tragedy - I'll let her off :p

Be interested in seeing how Henry copes as a 'daddy' to an infant!
Rolange chapter 1 . 9/14/2008
This is a great story. Your dialog is great, you capture the somewhat formal vernacular of Henry Fitzroy and the blunt speech patterns of Vicki. I loved reading their conversations because I could picture it taking place in my head. It was sad, but with a welcome outcome, as I feared with Mike as the father he would be there and tied to Vicki for the rest of their lives. As it was, the tragedy was believable and Henry and Vicki could still be together. Thank you for this, it warmed my Henry/Vicki shipper heart!
supernatfem76 chapter 1 . 9/13/2008
This was another good story from you. I love how you used events in Post Partum as a springboard for your story. You continue to amaze me with how well you know these characters. Your dialogue is always excellent. I can always picture each character speaking the lines that you have written. I hope to read more of your Blood Ties stories. You are definitely one of my favorite Blood Ties writers.