Reviews for If I Fall
Guest chapter 6 . 6/30/2015
This actually made me cry
Sleeping Owl chapter 6 . 4/15/2014
Very emotional, and very great premise. Your stories are always so heartfelt and pleasurable! :)
Polska99 chapter 6 . 7/14/2012
Awesome story, but it was just so sad!
ilovezombies chapter 6 . 1/4/2011
I don't know what's more tearjerking, the sadness and horror if chapter five or the beauty if chapter six... MOTHERFUCKER THAT'S THE LAST TINE YOU'LL MAKE ME CRY.
lopenash chapter 6 . 4/24/2010
Sparkz1607 chapter 6 . 7/25/2009
Aw... :)

Eli seems really cute.

...Hey wait, there's a SEQUEL? YAY!

Excellent work from my favorite author.

(P.S: I'm Crysal1010. Next account.)
Kitsune Disciple chapter 6 . 7/18/2009
you are truly THE master of emotion Aiko. your stories bring out the raw fundamental human emotions in all those who read it, you have set the standard for how all Sonic fanfics should be with regards to trajedy and emtion. your efforts have not gone unnoticed and have certainly not been bested. the "to say goodbye" series was your greatest achievement and many would agree with me, but this fic was definitely one of the best. short, staright to the point and briliant...just how i like it
Kitsune Disciple chapter 5 . 7/18/2009
very emotional. the pain, the grief one cannot truly understand it until it happens. it almost made me cry because i suddenly envisioned what it would feel like if i lost the love of my life.
Kitsune Disciple chapter 4 . 7/18/2009
very good way you described the scene when he tried to pluck up the guts to call sonic but ended up taliking to his answering machine. you could really feel the anger and yet sympathy, the confusion and yet clarity of thought he had going through his mind when trying to call Sonic. but its truly amazing how no matter what anger he had towards Sonic, all that suddenly evapourated when he learned that Amy is in trouble.
Kitsune Disciple chapter 3 . 7/18/2009
hey there Aiko, sorry that i have been away for such a long time. well i'm here now.

wow i remember the hurt that Tails felt when Sonic was dealing with the baby but never did i understand just how much till now. both now feel so hurt caused by the baby, but yet i surely believe that these brothers cannot stay mad forever.
no tengo nombre chapter 1 . 1/14/2009
Your work is very good and imaginative. You have a nice way of taking these characters and putting more depth into their personalities and relationships, without taking them too far to the point where they're completely out of character. However, one downside to your writing is that it can be a bit to very monotonous at times. I've noticed this ever since I've started reading your STH stories; early on with "Perfect" and "Revenge". It's just that sometimes you can overuse a certain dialogue/topic of conversation, or be a little repetetive with describing the emotions the characters are going through. I'll say that at some points, it would start to tire me. Just know that you can convey the right mood of a story/feelings of the characters without overdoing a certain thing or idea.

Anyway, keep in mind what I've said, and I hope it'll be of help in further improving your writing. I'll be staying tuned!
Samantha27 chapter 6 . 1/11/2009
Hello, happy to see that you're back in action and hopefully all your computer problems is fixed. :)

lol, why do you sometimes put yourself down in your author notes, I thought that the epilouge is very good. A bit short but it's still good.

Yeah, the whole chappy is pretty emotional. I like the end when Tails is bonding and talking to the baby about her parents. It seems like Sonic's daughter likes Tails already. :)

Can't wait to read what happens in the sequel.
g2g5 chapter 6 . 1/11/2009
A beautiful ending to a beautiful story. One suggestion, though. Try not to use "as if" as much. Other than that, I love this fic, and I look foward to the sequel.
azngirlchibi chapter 6 . 1/10/2009
WAH! That was so sad! Which is probably what everyone else is saying... but still.

The fic was very well written, and I really enjoyed it. You got everyone's character down very well, and Sonic's sadness was very believeable. Like, you didn't make it seem overdramatic or anything.

Awesome fic!
Madhog thy Master chapter 6 . 1/10/2009
Aw... For once you killed someone else. Very good story though.
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