Reviews for In Which We Die
Nikolai22 chapter 27 . 4/1/2016
For the most part I loved this. It is not very dark like most fics of this sort and I had fun making my little cases where I should have written reviews. This story is so old though that my appreciation of it will probably never be known. Damn.

Case: Betreyal
Victim: Avatar Roku
Detective notes:
"Used be said that Roku died of old age, but I figured I had better set the record straight. Avatar Aang can speak with Roku himself and Firelord Zuko has allowed me access to the secret history of what really happened in the past. Truth is stranger than fiction as they say."
Nikolai22 chapter 26 . 4/1/2016
Case: Battle? Treason?
Victim: King Bumi
Detective notes:
"I don't know how they got 'em, but they did.
Seems like it was earthbenders who actually defeated the king..."
Nikolai22 chapter 25 . 4/1/2016
Case: Animal cruelty *chuckle* sorry.
Victim: Appa
Detective notes:
"There is a harpoon through the beasts neck and his flesh is charred all over. Seems to me like big fella could have flown away, but for whatever reason he didn't. I feel bad for whoever did this... They're gonna have to answer to the avatar for this."
Nikolai22 chapter 24 . 4/1/2016
Case: Missing
Victim: Ursa
Detective notes:
"A servant claimed to have spied Lady Ursa leaving towards this forest. I went to the forest and their were only ashes. The trail is gone, the fire covered her tracks well. I don't know what happened to her."
Nikolai22 chapter 23 . 4/1/2016
Case: ?
Victim: Momo
Detective notes:
"I don't know what to call this. Seems to me that Azula likes to f*** with you guys. I'm not saying that as the avatar you Should put that girl in her place... But that is exactly what I'm saying. Your pet's limbs were cut by a heated blade that much I can tell. The head was probably cut first, the other cuts are too clean to have been done to a struggling animal."
Nikolai22 chapter 22 . 4/1/2016
Case: Dishonorable execution
Victim: Chief Hakoda
Detective notes:
"Body was found drifting with the waves, a fatal stab wound visable. He's bound up pretty good with this rope too. I'd say he was captured, did something brave or stupid, and was killed. No way to know who did it, probably fire nation. But it could have been some bounty hunters. Chief here is a pretty valuable target. *sigh*. What do I tell the kids?"
Nikolai22 chapter 21 . 4/1/2016
Case: Battle
Victims: Too many to count. Fire nation soldiers and air nomads everywhere.
Detective notes:
"This was my grandad's case."
Nikolai22 chapter 20 . 4/1/2016
Case: Murder
Victim: Fire Lord Ozai
Detective notes:
"I can't prove the case or the victim, but come on now. Ozai is missing, and there is a new firelord. The body fell from the palace window for Agni's sake!"
Nikolai22 chapter 19 . 4/1/2016
Case: Suicide? (Spiritual?)
Victim: Yue
Detective notes:
"At first I didn't know what could have happened, just looked as if she died suddenly.
Then the strangest thing happened, the spirit of the dead girl appeared to me and said that she has become the spirit of the moon. I blame it on a long night, but figured it was worth mentioning."
Nikolai22 chapter 18 . 3/31/2016
Case: Battle
Victims: Longshot, Yu Yan woman, Yu Yan commander.
Detective notes:
"Way I see it, Yu Yan were toying with this here boy, and then he showed them that he was pretty damn goo too. Then the Yu Yan got in gear and ended up making this here boy look like a human morningstar. This kid was good, took down a Yu Yan commander. You need 10 years seniority to reach that rank."
Nikolai22 chapter 17 . 3/31/2016
Case: Natural
Victim: Fire Lord Sozin
Detective notes:
"I know he was old and dying the way he did was only natural, but he was in a room filled with bastard children. Now I'm not saying it was murder... But it just seems plausible.
Poison perhaps?"
Nikolai22 chapter 16 . 3/31/2016
Case: Murder
Victim: Jet
Detective notes:
"Found the kid with an arrow in his brain, lots of broken ribs too. Bruises on the body, and ruptured sternum. Either he got beat and then someone put him out I it, or some sicko likes to beat up dead bodies. Either way, this is Dai Li territory, and I don't remember them using bows..."
Nikolai22 chapter 15 . 3/31/2016
Case: Suicide
Victim: Teo
Detective notes:
"This stupid f***er snuck into an airship and must have called when he bombed it. It's all written down in his journal at the temple! The only thing I don't under and is why he didn't have any extra glidy thingies with him. Oh well, there probably was a lot more to this one but the kid was a cripple. Could died when he crashed into a tree or something *hard laugh*"
Nikolai22 chapter 14 . 3/31/2016
Case: Accident
Victims: Prince Zuko and Princess Azula
Detective notes:
"This one is a doozy. They were electrocuted to death, h-h-how the hell does that happen?
If I didn't know any better I would say they were hugging and then were struck by lightning. No, it seems to me that Azula shot lightning while they were in touching distance and big brother over here reached over with a love tap. 'Ts cute though. Besides the shock marks, they look as if they are sleeping."
Nikolai22 chapter 13 . 3/31/2016
Case: Suicide
Victim: Ty Lee
Detective notes:
"She probably chi blocks the f*** out of herself and died. She has lots of torture marks but the only thing wrong with her is that her heart stopped, hell someone could have probably restarted it of we got here sooner. Suicide for sure, she probably knows a spot that can kill ya. Wait, we have cuts running in a pattern here. *removes Ty Lee's outer layers of clothing* what the hell?! *circular cuts are visable that appear to start at the breasts and head outwards*. Azula must be one real freak."
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