Reviews for Changed
citlali chapter 1 . 3/17/2016
babydon'tletmefall chapter 5 . 3/25/2010
...*sobs* it's a great story! I really love it! I'm going to see if you have an epiloge written yet! It's really sad but amazing. I can just see this happening. You get the emotions perfectly! :3
Atticus07 chapter 5 . 11/7/2009
This story has been really good-you portrayed the emotions and personalities exceptionally well. What I really liked was the general emotion in the work: the characters had actual, moving emotions and flaws rather than being entirely good or entirely bad. :)
goodgirl918 chapter 1 . 4/12/2009
i like it , it showcases the different aspects of human nature. very very good. please update SOON.
jippenjippen chapter 4 . 3/22/2009

it is so good
Amethyst Ocean chapter 4 . 3/18/2009
This story overall is so beautiful in the fact that it holds such deep meaning and realism on the complexities of the human condition. This is how real life tends to read: there is always some sort of conflict; always some sort of contention that goes on with relationships of any sort, may they be small or intensely intricate.

Yet, I am very pleased to see that you have portrayed them in a such a way that people can draw from their own situations in life and society. The love between Courtney and Duncan is so adoringly enamoring, yet at the same time, carries off quite a bit of an aggressive and nostalgic flair; it's all so hopelessly bittersweet.

All in all, brava. I hope you continue with this and update soon. :)
Theater Of The Mind chapter 4 . 3/18/2009
10? 10 stinking reviews? WHAT! this story should have way more then that! hahahha

but yea i really like this story. you grasp Duncan's softer side really well... i know that i cannot do that... but you make everything seem to true and realistic. Which is a hard thing to do.

it's okay that you take a long time to update...i take months!
Amethyst Ocean chapter 3 . 3/18/2009
Aw, poor Courtney. She's being awfully patient with Duncan.

This story is great. :)
Amethyst Ocean chapter 1 . 3/18/2009
Wow. So intricately woven together into a fine work of art! I love this so far!

You're amazing.
marlynnknowsbest101 chapter 4 . 3/18/2009
I started reading this today and you no what, this story has a lot of truth when you think about it. Duncan has been to Juvi five times right, it would be kind of expected that he does abuse Courtney a little bit. I have read other fanfics that have him abuse courtney, but the thing is he never regrets it in those stories, and he is an alcoholic and has affairs. what i am trying to say here is that i accept the fact that he abuses courtney because you write it in a light of truth. He is always regretful and when he does abuse her it is out of pure inpulse. he still loves her and you show that. This is how i could picture duncan and courtney. sorry if that was too much said or just straight up odd. I love the story if you havent already guess. up date soon please!
Cereal-Killa chapter 4 . 3/18/2009

Duncan, I forgive you! I really really do! I frgive you for being with Courtney and not me... actually, erase that- I'm not forgiving you until you come to me. Better be glad Courtney can though.

It's a good story. Keep it going,

emma1gibson chapter 4 . 3/18/2009
aww, i love it!

Cereal-Killa chapter 3 . 12/15/2008
wow... that is extreme stuff. really detailed, nice plot... but extreme. keep making more... whoa... extreme stuff...
Real.Smile chapter 1 . 12/12/2008
I love it and I can't wait to see where it goes.
Villanelle EVE chapter 2 . 10/7/2008
You have NO IDEA how happy I was when I saw that you updated. I in the first place, I thought it was just a one shot. And in the second, it's one of my all time favorites, and just the thought of it continuing... I was so happy.

I'm in love with this all over again. I love that you write about them differently than some of the poorer writers out there for Duncan and Courtney. You make it sweet, but never overdo it, and they're always problems fans WANT to see happen between them. Duncan struggling to be the guy for Courtney, Courtney admitting to him and to herself that she "has it bad for him". And because you write so well, it doesn't sound ridiculous when you try it, it sounds very... real.

Kudos, and I hope you update soon. :)
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