petuniadoodle chapter 33 . 9/2/2016
Thanks for the great story!
Lynka Read chapter 33 . 6/9/2011
I like it
Name123456 chapter 33 . 4/3/2011
Great story, love the idea!
Lady Emma Wentworth chapter 33 . 3/3/2011
Thank you! This is a wonderful story! Can you image being surrounded by the pheremones of five Jacks? It must be over-whelming! I feel badly for Jack 4 (the one from the longest away, right?) having to say good-bye to Tosh & Owen again, feeling the pain of being so helpless to prevent what happens, knowing it's within his power to do so, but unable to act without causing irreparable damage to the Universe.

I wonder if anyone has written a story where Gray DOESN'T destroy Jack's world - that I'd love to read. (Hint, hint, HINT!) Ever thought about it? MMMMMM? Just a wee little bit? Wanna think about it? A lot?

Anyway, I am completely enthralled with everything you've written - you are a master story-teller, right up at the tops of my list with MissThingsPlace and TeachWriteSlash, among a few others. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with me. I look forward to many many happy hours of reading you.
Lady Emma Wentworth chapter 29 . 3/3/2011
Oh ywaaaay! Ianto got to fly with Myfanwy - I am so glad! Imagine if she took him outdoors - OMG that would be the trip of a lifetime!
Lady Emma Wentworth chapter 23 . 3/3/2011
Was going to wait to the end, but I just have to say that I am SO HAPPY that Ianto lives to a ripe old age! Thank you so much!
ASiriuslyGleekyTimeLord chapter 33 . 10/5/2010
I hadn't read this one before...BUT IT MADE ME CRY! Why did they all have to forget? That's not fair! And I mean, Jack 5 was happy after seeing them all again, why does he have to forget it? Not fair...
Jillamy chapter 33 . 6/14/2010
Ah, Owen being teased. Warms my heart it does. 3 Next story!
Bad Werewolf chapter 33 . 4/12/2010
I love this story. It's was really fun to read. I especially liked Jack4, taking to Weevils and riding on the Pterodactyl. And the ending was both funny and touching at the same time. Wonderful!
Orion Lyonesse chapter 33 . 11/30/2009
Fascinating! Glad I got to read it in one piece, too.

Keep writing!
Village-Mystic chapter 33 . 11/30/2009
Liked the cartoon and other email hints... enough to effect the subconscious but far enough away from it actually happening that the emails might be forgotten.
Village-Mystic chapter 27 . 11/30/2009
Aw. I thought they weren't going to tell Jack 2 about Angela. Remembering that Ret-con isn't perfect.
Village-Mystic chapter 25 . 11/30/2009
Lovely way to end the chapter.
Village-Mystic chapter 24 . 11/30/2009
Now we know that Retcon isn't perfect, and doesn't work too well on Gwen. But what we don't know is if Jack 3 and 5 will get it on with each other.
Village-Mystic chapter 23 . 11/30/2009
I like your AU fate for Iano.
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