Reviews for Two Of A Kind
Guest chapter 20 . 4/18
Let me guess...Minmei’s pregnant too?
Guest chapter 1 . 2/3
Ugh I stuck with it until the cheating. Wouldn’t mind seeing that change in an edit :)
mauro2312 chapter 17 . 6/28/2018
Like the story but not love it because there are many weak points:
1 Gloval is a little of an ass hole.
2 Lisa can't be the only one that notices Minmei double intentions
3 You were going so well until Rick cheat Lisa,way to fuck the fic
Hope is punishment is that Lisa doesn't allow him to take part in the pregnancy and that the privet directive thing come to light.
StevenM chapter 20 . 1/5/2017
Great writing! Keep it up! :D
Flyer62 chapter 1 . 10/31/2016
Will you update soon? Can't wait for the next Chapter. I really enjoy your stories!
Fer82 chapter 20 . 8/24/2016
Well things advanced very quickly in this one. Welp Earth getting stomped again, a good point was that Lisa and her father somewhat ammend their relationship, that was even more rocky than in the series. And finally our couple reunited again... a question, Will be a timeskip or you touch the inmediate aftermath and the beginning of the reconstruction part?
jag389 chapter 20 . 8/25/2016
Thanks for the quick update. Really enjoyed what you have written so far.
Tyler Schaffner chapter 20 . 8/24/2016
Really loving your alternate takes on the actual series episodes in this story; you've tackled the events of the series just as well as, if not better than the canon did.

Glad that you kept Roy and Ben alive here; I'm very much in the camp of fans who feel that it wasn't really all that necessary to kill them off. I'm also really glad you didn't have Lynn Kyle accompany Rick and Minmei back to the SDF-1; I HATE the creepy, incestuous relationship between Kyle and Minmei with a passion. Thank you so much for giving that horrible relationship the treatment it deserves in this story.

Hmm, is it just me or does it look like there's going to be a romantic relationship between Ben and Shannon? I hope so; Ben deserves his own happiness, as well.

Looking forward to seeing what the next chapter brings; something tells me that this is just the calm before the storm.
PPOWELL chapter 19 . 8/5/2016
Fer82 chapter 19 . 8/5/2016
Thanks for the quick update. Yeah the chapter has some plot holes, specially regarding of the time frame in which all the events that we see happend. Your intention was good but i think that you dont present one of the most obvious or atleast dont showed with all the ramifications. The reaction of the Command staff to the news of the relationship between Max and Miriya.

I always had the believe that this one of the times in which Rick and Max friendship grows closer, because like Ben, despite of his reluctance towards Miri, Hunter take the side of his friend and help both to face the brass in the SDF-1. Thats another point that was not touched, we know that Gloval was kind of partial to the whole peace with the aliens, but still he had to face opposition from the rest of the command of the ship.

Well ok, hope that i read you soon. Take care.
jag389 chapter 19 . 8/4/2016
Thank you for quick update. keep up the good work.
shoopdan chapter 18 . 8/3/2016
Whoa! I'm enjoying this very much. Woohoo for Baby Hayes-Hunter! I am looking forward to Rick saving Lisa and the baby from Alaska Base. Damn Minmei! I sort of wish you'd just had them hook up a bit as opposed to where they went. Is she even old enough for Rick to have sex with? What is the age of consent in space? The mere suggestion of impropriety would have been enough to throw a soap-opera style kink in the Rick and Lisa relationship without going all the way. On a totally random note, THANK YOU for leaving Kyle on Earth. The whole cousin-love thing always creeped me out. Please update soon.
Fer82 chapter 18 . 7/15/2016
I gonna ask for a wish because this update comes from nowhere jejeje.

So the big questions its now... Rick doesnt remember that night or he is lying? in either case, im expecting that this matter its not going to rest that easy. Well at least Donald had the sensibility of being patient and supporting of Lisa, dont pictured as loosing compusture but totally see it as dissapointed with her daugther with this they can rebuild some bridges. And finally Miri its here, althoug her introduction to Max and their "date" are the same that in the series, the feeling that the lives of everyone on board just getting more complicated.

Thanks for continue, hope to read you soon.
William chapter 18 . 7/14/2016
This is one of my favorite Rick & Lisa stories and I am SO glad that you decided to continue the story. Can't wait for the next chapter!
jag389 chapter 18 . 7/16/2016
So glad you are back. This is a great story. Hope you will be able to update more often.
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