Reviews for The Lengths One Will Go
Guest chapter 11 . 11/30/2019
Please continue when you can! This is great and I cant wait to fine out what's next. Uryuu come back and make them all pay!
Guest chapter 11 . 11/17/2019
Dang, I just started reading cause Uryu is my favorite character but dang. This story is dark and awesome. Great job!
Midigeria chapter 11 . 4/30/2017
It ends with a Cliffhanger... Thats not nice. I hope you pick up this wonderfull work and wrote the next Chapters. But it's so long abdoned so i dort think you will Do this.

Sincerelly Midi
SchnitzelHunter chapter 11 . 8/19/2016
This story is. FUCKING. FANTASTIC! I swear to god, this is just great, a great idea, great story telling, especially with the different perspectives. Although I think that Yamamoto is slightly OOC, I still think it fits. We know very little about him and his character to be honest, and from what we know he could go into the direction you are pointing to. This is just awesome :D
Nostalgic Beauty chapter 11 . 8/5/2016
Whoa talk about everything going to Hell in a hand basket. Wow. Go Hitsugaya!
Winged Serpent of Light - BOTM chapter 11 . 3/11/2016
The Whimsical Ermine chapter 11 . 6/25/2015
Darkheart1311 chapter 1 . 4/1/2015
This is an amazing story you have here. I hope you revisit this sometimes, but I know how hard it is to get that inspiration back.
snowecat chapter 10 . 2/3/2015
You ever coming back, this is really fascinating.
Ecomadness chapter 11 . 12/16/2014
This has just become my favorite bleach fic ever I absolutly love this story I really hope it isn't abandoned and u update soon something this amazing needs to continue!
Girl-of-Action chapter 11 . 12/9/2014
Love this story! Poor Toshiro though, I really hope he survives. He's one of my favorite characters and you portray him wonderfully. That bit at the end of chapter 11 really gave me chills and I just had to read it out loud to my family members. Bravo! Although you have not updated over a year, with a story this good I will not lose hope!
Weasel Fu chapter 11 . 11/5/2014
I really like your story so far. I totally agree that while there are plenty of good Shinigami, Soul Society as a whole is a corrupt system that only destroys the people around them. I can't think of a single instance where they didn't say "It's different, kill it!". And the only task they seem to have half-way accomplished was protecting the civilians (which they didn't do very well). Honestly, I'd be glad to see them go and I'm wondering what it would do to the political landscape to see them totally scrapped.
Glaux Bryonia chapter 11 . 10/10/2014
As interesting as it is morbid. You've got a scary, scary imagination. Hope one day you get the inspiration needed to continue.
Miss-NothingSpecial chapter 11 . 6/22/2014
I really really REALLY love this story, must've read it at least a hundred times by now
BlackShadow1 chapter 11 . 5/28/2014
love the way you have made your story, i hope you dont lose the inspiration for the story. please keep it up and let nothing get you down
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