Reviews for What It Takes
Alexandria-likethecityinEgypt chapter 1 . 6/22/2016
Aaaaawwww . . . I have no clue what episode or comic this referred to, but read it anyway. Ah, the fluff! Love Batman and Nightwing's relationship - Well, when DC lets it alone. Perhaps this is why I'm here as much as I am.
Glimare chapter 1 . 10/16/2012
nice. I'm gonna have to read that some day.
Moma bear Emma Swan chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
I love it I don't know they full story of tht Issue, In the begining I could Feel the Presure in The Room, For Dick , Like an elaphan sat on him. What were the Others going to Do? My favotite part was the speech Bruce/Batman DElivered in his son's Defemse And of course the titans Had his back And superman.
Agena K chapter 1 . 6/24/2009
"but also very OOC. Sorry, but that's just not Bruce." protector of Cannon2

Kanny I disagree: there have been times within Cannon of the books, comic books and movies and T.V. where Bruce has shown his feelings for Dick. This is one of the very best that I've read. (I'll email you where some other time it's late and the answer is long)

go-stevie-go chapter 1 . 10/20/2008
wow i loved it so much! i had to read it twice!
Cassandra Chalice chapter 1 . 10/18/2008
I like this, it made me smile and LOL. Crowd scenes can be so funny, and I always like Nightwing / Batman interactions. As for something that could be improved, the verb tenses vary some when they oughtn't, but that didn't interfere with my reading enjoyment. Um, also, I think maybe you meant to spell that one word as "Changeling".
Protector of Canon2 chapter 1 . 10/5/2008
Very sweet, but also very OOC. Sorry, but that's just not Bruce.
Dark Austral chapter 1 . 9/30/2008
Aw! I'm all misty eyed now. That was great. I felt such pride and joy when Bats gave his speech. And the end was great too with him scolding him and treating Nightwing with grounding. Great fic showing the relationship between Nightwing and Batman. I'm in such a happy mood right now!
Krytical chapter 1 . 9/29/2008
Fantastic! I love Bruce and Dick's relationship.