Reviews for Bang
the past visual chapter 1 . 10/13/2014
Was this written from experience you have with suicidal people? Because it sure reads like it. Very emotive.
WolfDarkfur chapter 1 . 3/31/2014
All your ideas in this are so clever! (especially the bang and the bit about red).
are u ever going to do the fic u mentioned at the end of second chances? it sounded like a great plot to me.
love your fics.
razzledazzle96 chapter 1 . 4/3/2009
i love angst, because it shows real, strong emotions of a character and makes them seem more...real. this was really good, and you did a good job on describing how tess was rejected from different people each time. the last line was a great ending - had a lasting finality to it.
fuelledbystarbucks chapter 1 . 12/27/2008
Wow, that's all i can say. WOW. It was so emotional it was perfect.

Maeke chapter 1 . 12/20/2008

I absolutely loved this. It was intense. Heart-breaking and wonderful at the same time.

Your style...amazing.


Onigiiri chapter 1 . 10/31/2008
So tragic! D yet so wonderful When I read this, I was thinking 'OMG I didn't expect this to happen!'

Lol I thought when you said Tess Tyler would go out with a bang, I took bang as something glamorous and successful D Got me there
SplinterWingz5x5 chapter 1 . 10/25/2008
aaw poor tess i know how she feelsthough thank god i stopped selfharming and stuff in time i know whatshe goes through only i dont force myslef to be perfect for my mum i try to do it to stop the bullying i go through u should do another chapter where mitchie and catylin go to her funaral and realise what she went through
kleepalmer chapter 1 . 10/5/2008
This was absolutely brilliant.

God, I can't think of any words that can express how truly beautiful this story was.

It was as if you could feel every single emotion that Tess was feeling, betrayal being the one that stood out the most.

Usually my reviews are longer than this, but I honestly cannot even describe how much I adore this story.

You wrote this beautifully and with so much emotion.

This is definitely one of my favorite stories on fanfiction, hands down.

It was amazing.

sayfriendandenter chapter 1 . 10/3/2008
It was really sad, but I loved it. I think you did a good job conveying Tess' feelings. Good luck!


kitty .
contagiouschemi chapter 1 . 10/3/2008
so god. im not a very good reviewer, but it was reeally good.
Musiclover712 chapter 1 . 10/2/2008
You know what I kinda like this story even though it is depressing, but I would like to know how they react after she dies.
iwantfifaonline chapter 1 . 10/2/2008
this was really good and...different. ppl ususally find a way 2 save the person when they write it so theres no character death, and a lot of times they make it seem unrealistic ya kno? this was awesome tho and i luved it. gr8 writin! :)
have-a-cookie chapter 1 . 10/1/2008

And yes, it was very different. I'm pretty used to fluffy fics, so this...was something different )

I'm not saying I don't like it (I do) but it's sad, which makes me not want to like it...but I do...does that make ANY sense?


MariaBernal chapter 1 . 10/1/2008
this is awesome. My favorite line was. "Red was beautiful" idk why but i just like it, it has meaning. the story overall was complete genius, the part where it talks about the spidery scars, awesome.
The Sushi Monster chapter 1 . 10/1/2008
So I can't decide which is more depressing, this fic or the tons of AP homework I have to do before tomorrow. :(

One, you might wanna change the rating to T. ;)

Two, just *beautiful*, the writing, the imagery. Everything. You can feel Tess' pain; writing raw emotion and making it feel realistic is not something easy and you did it excellently.

Three, I hated freshmen health. Urgh. Remember Seven Days? Yeah. SD is to this fic as ...we are to awesomeness? Yeah, you get point. I know how you feel, dearie.

But now I really should do my AP stuff.

(Oh *by the way*'re too lazy to review and comment on LJ, and yet I do *and* you've written something! :P Yes, I'm trying to make you feel guilty. Is it working? At all? *froggieeyes*)
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