Reviews for Broken
Lyrasloon chapter 1 . 5/29/2012
*sniff sniff* poor doumeki.
Murasaki no Ningyo chapter 1 . 1/5/2010

that was so...sad...

i think i was the one who broke there...

it could have been longer though...but i think its shortness had a magic of its own..

anyway..that was pretty good..really good...

thats how i imagined douneki would be if ever watanuki died ( and i have this horrible feeling that he will die sooner or later-_-)
Twelf Bell chapter 1 . 3/14/2009
aw.. so sad :( i felt like crying but since my stomach was hurting, there was more pain to my stomach than my heart, so no crying this time xD poor Doumeki :\
Anyjen chapter 1 . 10/11/2008
That was sad, and very much what I think would happen if Watanuki died (a real possibility, considering who the creators of this story are. :P)
fouloldron chapter 1 . 10/2/2008
Brilliantly done.

Incredibly sad.

I am currently trying not to cry while typing this.

I don't think this needs any editing.

It's really very well done.

Thanks for posting, Ronnie.
TheLadyPendragon chapter 1 . 10/2/2008
You killed Watanuki? Jesus Christ woman, you're coldhearted.

Ah well, I like the angst. :P Wish it was a bit longer, and more tearjerking. You could've added in how he died? How Doumeki felt when he was unable to help? How he felt immediately afterwards? That sort of stuff.
Afrieal chapter 1 . 10/2/2008
that was wonderful... sad and disturbing but wonderufl. thank you for writing it. I think I need to go hug my cat now.


A two tissue box story for all it's shortness thank yo for sharing I'm gonna go hug Af's other furline I think she's got the right idea.

Rysh (usually we do one kind of ditzy review but both of us wanted to thank you for sharing)
yuMeNami chapter 1 . 10/2/2008
the last part cause my heart to ache a bit..'( sad..
Ahria chapter 1 . 10/1/2008
I seriously teared up. This was so sad, and so pretty. Wonderful.