Reviews for Silence
Guest chapter 13 . 4/1
Tempus is missing from your story list.
rigger42 chapter 6 . 1/23
So it seems like essentially Dumbledore had to know James was in the US and so for all this time that Harry has been abused and without family he hasn't even made an effort. I have a hard time believing that he doesn't know who Scott is and he didn't know that that was James with amnesia and he deliberately cut Harry off and left him isolated. Even if Logan wasn't in the right frame of mind to be a guardian at least he could have been a protector and also he has a network of people who would have helped so it starts looking kind of if not malicious then okay with nefarious and selfish
andjelija.nenic chapter 8 . 9/9/2019
Update more chapters about this story,because it's the best,extra and the great story that I was reading about it,and I am also starting to love and to like reading to this story. So can you please write more chapters,because I want to know what happens in the next chapters about it. THANKS SO MUCH FOR WRITTEN TO THIS STORY,thanks so much about it.&&&£££%%%$$$
missgsmith51 chapter 6 . 8/5/2019
Too bad Logan didn't give Snape a haircut with those claws. Rogue should have given him a spanking, since he was acting like a twerp.

I can't wait to see what they do to the Dursleys. Whatever it is, it probably won't be enough.
missgsmith51 chapter 4 . 8/5/2019
This is definitely an OOC Dumbledore, because canon Dumbledore would hide Harry away and isolate him, so that the trauma he has experienced can be exacerbated as much as possible. He would take suffering Harry to the Dursleys a.s.a.p. As you can tell, I'm not a Dumbledore fan.

I wonder if Harry will respond to Logan and Scott enough to heal.
rowenasheir chapter 12 . 10/21/2018
Silence needs a sequel. And Harry's dad is alive! The thing Voldy knows not! A VERY pissed off Father.
missgsmith51 chapter 13 . 4/2/2018
I really need to start checking out the last few chapters of "Completed" stories to see that they really ARE completed and not just formally abandoned. I've been caught 2-3 times in the last couple of weeks. Shame on me for not learning.
missgsmith51 chapter 10 . 4/2/2018
"Harry James Potter! You ever do that again, and I swear I will kill you myself!" Do what? Get kidnapped by Voldemort? Well, I'm sure it was really fun and totally his choice, Ginny ... you idiot. I think you're scolding and slapping the wrong person. Actually, that sounds more like something Hermione would say.

Only Sirius would send a birthday gift from beyond the Veil. I wonder if he could manage something completely deadly for Voldemort.
missgsmith51 chapter 9 . 4/2/2018
"I keep getting complaints about short chapters. I'm sorry, people, but I'm making this up as I go along. This has not been written out previously ..." It means your readers love your story and are clamoring for more. Ignore the whining and accept the love and compliments. Fans can be very demanding, but it is the price you pay for being loved.

"I turn seventeen in a month and eight days. Harry sighed, picking at his food. I doubt that I can be considered a kid…I doubt I've ever really been one." ***** Yeah, thanks to Dumbledore and the Dursleys. I often think about this when Molly is carrying on about Harry being "just a child." If he's such a child, then why do they all expect him to kill (or incapacitate, depending on your Dumbledore's ethics) Voldemort? As to Dumbledore, he may not admit it, but he knows Harry stopped being a child the minute he was left at #4 Privet Drive. He simply uses that as an excuse not to train Harry.

So ... is Remus no longer a Werewolf? He still has the silver issue, it seems. Yet losing the pain of the transformation and the fear of infecting someone must be considered huge blessings.
missgsmith51 chapter 8 . 4/2/2018
He had to eat their wands? Hmmm. I wonder what Sirius's wand core and wood were. I take it imbibing the Phoenix feather and Holly ashes has endowed them with some of those properties? I suppose Harry can't flash, or he could have left his captivity. But have his wand elements affected his mortality? Holly's properties include luck, prosperity, and protection from evil, while Fawkes's tail feather suggests rebirth and immortality. Does No-Nose realize what he may have done?
missgsmith51 chapter 7 . 4/2/2018
I take it Dumbledore hasn't yet bothered to inform Harry - or anyone else except, perhaps, Snape - about the Horcruxes. If he had, Harry would at least know about THAT method of severing the connection.

Is this the summer immediately following Sirius's death, or has the 1996-1997 school year already begun? Either way, I guess Harry has had the "joy" of Occlumency "lessons" with Snape, so perhaps he doesn't think that technique will help close the connection. One can hardly blame him ... although I wouldn't mind seeing Logan and Rogue attempt it.

BTW, I've always wondered why Bill Weasley wasn't drafted to teach Harry Occlumency. As an employee of Gringotts, he would be required to be proficient in shielding his mind. After all, it wouldn't do for anyone to be able to read Gringotts information out of an employee's head, now ... would it? The same goes for Fleur. To be honest, I would also think Shacklebolt, Moody, and Tonks would also have sufficient skills to train Harry. I can't believe it isn't a requirement for being an Auror.

Dumbledore HAD other options, which begs the question why he would have put Harry through that torture. If he truly didn't know Snape was harming Harry, then he has once again proven himself an incompetent guardian.
Ireland Scott of BROH chapter 13 . 9/29/2017
:) beautiful!
Harriverse chapter 9 . 9/21/2017
Oh, wow! As if this story wasn't good enough, you give Harry a power that is extremely important. Kudos.
Guest chapter 5 . 5/9/2017
30 January, 1960 is Lily Potter I's birthday not July 17th.
Mukuro234 chapter 12 . 6/18/2014
This was a very interesting fic
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