Reviews for Fermata
Phoebe chapter 8 . 3/25/2016
No words. I love your story. I could read so much more of it and I enjoy every word - honestly, this is waay better than the original.
Phoebe chapter 7 . 3/25/2016
No need to kiss my feet or to give me chocolate, but I would love you to continue... I would probably kiss your feet. And I do have chocolate somewhere.
Phoebe chapter 6 . 3/25/2016
I wish I could say something smarter than "awesome" but hey it's 1.34 am and awesome is probably really the only word that describes your story accurately!
Phoebe chapter 5 . 3/25/2016
It is awesome awesome awesome I fell in love with these characters long ago (ok, not all of them - but with Vinyáya, Trouble, Foaly, Tieve and maybe even Minerva) and just wanted you to know that your story is awesome and that I really really love it. I wish you'd written the Fowl books, they would be much more amazing.
Phoebe chapter 4 . 3/25/2016
I absolutely love your story. I read it for the third or fourth time now and I am still amazed - I am everytime amazed - you are awesome. I love seeing Vinyáya in action. They are doing great.
Phoebe chapter 3 . 3/25/2016
Me again... just aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawesome. You are so sweet.
Phoebe chapter 2 . 3/25/2016
Hey there :)
I really love your story, it is awesome. Your writing style reminds me much of Eoin Colfer and I absolutely love the figures you created - they are awesome and they are so close to the originals. They are even better than the originals. So sad the last update was 2009 - I wish I could read the end of this story. Jules and Vinyáya are supposed to be really cute together. I tried it, but yours is infinitely better, I really admire it and you. Thank you so much for sharing your work. I hope nothing happened to you, it's been almost six years since the last chapter. I hope you're good.
LuHeaven chapter 1 . 2/17/2012
I really signed up just to beg you to continue this story! please! it's killing me that i will never know how it ends, this story is so incredible good, especially the time travelling thing and you just stopped when it got really exiting...! pleaaaaaaase, try to continue :(
EmoPiglet169 chapter 8 . 2/12/2012
*sobs hysterically* It's February 12,2012. The last time you updated was March 10, 2008. The chances of you updating again aren't good. It's been almost four years. *starts sobbing again* And just when it was getting good, too. You had RootxVinyaya (possibly my favorite pairing, except HollyxTrouble). You had Minerva about to meet the LEP. *sighs* And you said that it'd be HollyxTrouble, too. *sighs, wipes eyes with tissue* And I was eagerly awaiting Holly's return. Kudos, on the 'Vinyaya goes to the past thing', too. Pure genius, that was. *sighs, shakes head.* Oh, well.
Bookworm chapter 8 . 3/24/2010
Continue? For me?
Dragonwings66 chapter 8 . 9/4/2009
UPDATE OR I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU! *ahems* Please don't take that personally, I happen too be on of the few R/V fans alive and this is the best one I have read in awhile...So if you wouldn't mind Updating! Please?
Tara Liana Ni Conchuir chapter 8 . 6/18/2009
"Koboi had made her want to lock up anyone with an IQ higher than 140." (chapter two)

I'd better watch out, then!

I love this story! I read the first two chapters on FanGathering (my username there is Julissa Holly Fowl) and I liked it then. I never found time to read the rest, but I'm glad I did so now!
zedille chapter 8 . 4/12/2009


How could you? A cliffie, at such a crucial point? There go all our expectations that this story wouold be a relatively short one. There appears to be something going on in the past...

Root and Vinyaya squee. Nice, believable, IC interaction. *clap clap clap* and I'm eager to see where Minerva/Trouble's plot is gong.

Rogha chapter 4 . 4/10/2009
Please, no dancing or I swear to Frond I'm not giving you any nice reveiws. it 's cool
ackermom chapter 7 . 4/7/2009
OH MY GOODNESS! What will happen next?

Actually, I'm intrigued. JV is one of the most amazing pairings of all times, so this story got me hooked. And plus Artemis isn't in it. OK, that may sound weird, but I kind of tire of reading about Artemis after a while.

Anywho... awesome story. Awesome soundtrack. You rock. FAVED!

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