Reviews for Stories End
Space Dimentio chapter 1 . 1/28/2014
Timelessdemon chapter 1 . 3/30/2012
That... was brilliant! It's rare you see stories about problems like dementia written so well, I especially liked the way you put it into stages...(blabs on a further 10 minutes about how great the story was- favorites story and leaves).
Pepipanda chapter 1 . 6/17/2011
That was so sad, but so very well thought-out and the premise was very good. It must be especially painful to watch someone whose mind is their defining asset decline like that.

I liked how clear the role reversal was. Luke started out as a child and by the end he was taking complete care of Layton. Guessing from the information, Luke can't have been that old by the end, maybe 21?

Although it seemed a little odd at the end when I realized that Flora pretty much never showed up in the story, I liked it this way because it made it all about Luke and Layton and their relationship.

Oh, and I liked the gradual progression. The little stories that made each (thematically named) stage come to life. I did not feel like the story was rushed or that any of the pieces were out of order.

Very well done!

ardx chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
brilliant story (: so sad
Sora M chapter 1 . 9/16/2010
Whaaaaaaaa! This is soooo sad! Poor Luke! Poor professor!
laytonfanatic chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
poor luke
FantasyTrain chapter 1 . 1/9/2010
(Just to make it clear; I liked this)

This is.. Sad. I didn't really enjoy reading it (because it isn't like a Professor Layton-story, it's more like another story with just the characters) but I really felt like I couldn't stop. I needed to know how it turned out in the end, even though you kinda felt it all the time.

And, my god, I am crying. You have made me cry..! I never cry when I read a book/fanfic... Never...

o.o *faves*
James Birdsong chapter 1 . 9/4/2009
Good fic.
Reesh chapter 1 . 10/24/2008
Holy damn was that depressing. The poor thing..

Awesomely written though, so great big hairy thumbs up for that!
Silverpine chapter 1 . 10/10/2008
Dang, this story makes me cry. T_T It's smartly written... And it's beautiful in its special way. Poor Luke...