Reviews for If You're Gone
TheWitch243 chapter 1 . 3/11
*thumbs up*
MJLupin27 chapter 1 . 8/3/2012
I liked it a lot! Nicely written!
PD: Sorry if I make some mistakes when I write..
Stephanie chapter 1 . 10/26/2007
Oh please write a sequel, you are such a good writer.
Jetta chapter 1 . 5/5/2003
I don't know how you do it. You are such a good writer. And you deal with Obi-Wan and Qui-gon's relationship so exclusively and so well.
KrystalBlaze - Jerikor chapter 1 . 12/6/2002

*checks list frantically*

Please let there be a sequel!
Manticore Queen chapter 1 . 5/4/2002
Loved the ending it was funny yet touching. The story had me on edge! Awsome!
Felicia Zezili chapter 1 . 6/16/2001
One word brilliant.I loved it .The compassion and Qui-gon calling Obi-wan son, then Obi-wan calling him Dad at the end .
Arizona chapter 1 . 2/28/2001
It's not fair to make a girl cry. :-) This is a beautiful story. Thanks so much for posting it!
Weedus chapter 1 . 11/8/2000
I LOVE IT! I hope you write a sequal to it. I love to read about Obi and Qui, and you sum them up perfectly!
Wolfa Moon chapter 1 . 7/21/2000
I loved the story. i CAn't wait for the rest of it.
Pseudo Psyche chapter 1 . 7/19/2000
Wow. A DSM diagnosis in the Star Wars universe. Impressive. Most impressive. Very sweet. I wish there were more Father/Son fanfics involving Qui and Obi out there.
Candie K chapter 1 . 7/19/2000
Great Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fic!
Obi chapter 1 . 7/18/2000
Hello again! I just have to review your story everywhere don't I? Don't blame me, I've had coke and I'm REALLY 'happy'! I love the story! It has great insight into Qui-Gon's thoughts. I request more from you!
Laura chapter 1 . 7/18/2000
Wow! Write more, write more! :)
Lorein chapter 1 . 7/18/2000
Sooo swwweeeet
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