Reviews for The World You Desire Can Be Won
bluetmlxx chapter 7 . 11/18/2019
Not sure if there’s one more chapter - but I wish there was. Beautiful story!
kellneriner chapter 1 . 12/2/2016
Your summary got me hooked. And the fact that it is the last line of the first chapter, is just brilliant. Needing my Naley fix so here I am saying hi from 2016
Guest chapter 5 . 8/12/2016
I really hate super weak characters. Haley is awful in this story. None of what she does even makes sense. Is it because of Lucas and her having that last fight or is the guy who cheated on her or that she lost her friends in a relationship or is it because Nathan was a jerk in high school? It can't be a million things. In order to have a good coherent plot, you need to zero in on what is her issue and fix it. Not to mention, it's drug on for way too long now. She's been such a bitch to him this whole entire story and now she's turned him away again, just so she can fly right back to him? That seems like a ridiculous attempt to extend the story another chapter.
JC chapter 7 . 8/25/2015
I cant believe how good this story is. If this is the end then i guess thats okay but if theres still more, i hope you'd consider finishing the story
ktlynrose chapter 1 . 6/4/2013
Good start. I liked it a lot. It was however a very long first chapter.
Naleyfan chapter 7 . 5/15/2012
Ahh this story touches the aoul.. So well written and the iterplay between the love of naley and the loss of licas is amazingly well done. I can keep going with how wonderful this story is but please update !
V chapter 7 . 3/4/2012

This is such a beautifully crafted story, and I found myself tearing up while re-reading it for the 6th time. You're amazing at writing and please finish this so you can write more stories! :)
Plsupdate chapter 1 . 10/2/2011
It's been over a year, please update! This is such a beautiful and well written story
OTHfan25 chapter 7 . 8/3/2011
I just discovered this story and I have to say that it is one of the best stories I have read. I can't wait for the last chapter to be posted and this story is definitely going to my favourites.

I love that in this story, Haley and Nathan have no idea but it is actually Lucas that pushes them together even through his death. I can't wait to find out how their relationship pans out in the next chapter.
kaya17tj chapter 7 . 7/25/2011
Love this story.

Any chance for an update?
blablashit chapter 7 . 11/27/2010
THAT WAS GOOD! I spent the night readin this and it was really story, nice job! :)
HaleyGarcia chapter 7 . 11/21/2010
I just found this story and I absolutely Love it! Cant wait for more, Update soon! D
livealoha88 chapter 7 . 8/20/2010
Amazing update! I'm so happy that Nathan and Haley finally talked about their feelings and how they really for one another. Also, glad that they talked about Lucas; the contents of the letter and what happened the night he died. The whole car scene was so intense! Nathan finding her and yelling at her realizing that he could have lost her and Haley breaking down and crying in his arms was heartbreaking. I'm happy that Haley made the decision to transfer schools to be closer to Nathan and love his suggestion of taking the occasional afternoon study break ;)

I adore this story and I'm sad that there is only one chapter left. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this wonderful story. I can't wait to see what lies ahead for our favourite Tree Hill couple.
aysha02 chapter 7 . 8/16/2010
aw that was an amazing chapter, i love hot angry make up sex...i really can't wait for the next update
krizue chapter 7 . 8/16/2010

This story is beatiful!

Please update!
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