Reviews for Languish
Rei chapter 1 . 5/24/2011
Don't leave it there! I know its been years since this was posted, but I suppose I'm hoping you'll get my review and remember part 2 which is maybe sitting half-finished in your documents? You're a good writer, and this sincerely made me cry. I would love to see the conclusion, if you have the time )
NightmareTroubador chapter 1 . 11/5/2009
Nice a really like it. So that means you better update... or else. :)
Rehema chapter 1 . 6/6/2009
That was EXTREMELY bold-of him to say, "Are you trying to convince me, or yourself?"

Wow. Very nice turn of phrase.

(Chuckles w/ odd expression on face) Yes, I won't lie-that was DANGEROUSLY close to tendershipping. Have you ever considered writing it? I think you'd be pretty good... right?

(Eyes widen) Please don't tell 'Kura I said that-he'd think I was calling him gay. Eek.
Tunazap chapter 1 . 4/25/2009
You can't leave it like that D: so what happened!
Stella Starfish chapter 1 . 2/18/2009
AH! cliff hanger! please please please please finish quickly! i've actually been watching this one since it came out, i just now got an account '
THe KiKO peRsON chapter 1 . 11/30/2008
Hi. I'm putting this on story alert for when you upload the second part. I like the story a little.
Sorashana chapter 1 . 11/27/2008
So far as I can tell you've done a good job of capturiing Bakura's essence.
LeaMarie F. Metallium chapter 1 . 10/27/2008
This fic is going really well! I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it. Please continue! I love how 's words are in bold, it makes it really easy to follow who's talking!
shadowrealm818 chapter 1 . 10/25/2008
This is great update soon. I want to see what happens next
YamixMuffin chapter 1 . 10/23/2008
That was somethign else. It wasn't your typical Bakura beats up Ryou kinda fic. Heaven knows there are enough monotone hackneye fics like that in this fandom. I could really feel the atmosphere and "see" what was going on. You use very descriptive language but it is not overdone, something most people cannot do. I am very curious to see where this is going. I have an idea of course, but I can never quite be sure with your fics. Until then

See ya~
millenniumthief chapter 1 . 10/20/2008
That was an interesting look into those two's relationship! Hmm...why would Bakura want Ryou to fight back? The way you wrote this is a little chilling, and I loved every word! I can't wait to see part 2! See you later!
Elanye chapter 1 . 10/12/2008
Asiera chapter 1 . 10/10/2008
That was really, really cool. The whole way through. You have both their charecters down perfectaly, and it is obvious that you put a ton of thought and effort into this. I'm very anxcious to see where you're taking this.

Great job!
Alkitty chapter 1 . 10/10/2008
wow... just wow. That was like amazing, like more than amazing... like flipping awesome! Your writing is so good! the descriptions ans dialog are written like a professional! Great job please continue!
Sora Sotara chapter 1 . 10/10/2008
Well, you've left me speechless and that's rather hard to do. All I can say or sure is that I can't wait to read the rest of it.(*smiles*)
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