Reviews for Friends in Dead Places
FranArian chapter 7 . 9/27/2018
Interesting idea...I like it.
sandysan2013 chapter 7 . 4/9/2018
I have always loved this story. I don't remember a sequel, but you did say there might be one if you were asked.
AokiKaede chapter 7 . 8/14/2016
Aaaaaaaah! This fic is awesome! Normally I don't even read vampire prompt but this one is so good. So intense and beautifully done. Thanks so much for sharing!
MelanisticLeopard chapter 7 . 9/19/2014
Aaaaaagh this is the third fic of yours I've read in a row & why are you hurting me in this way? You put a comfort scene at the end of all three of them but your angst is so perfect it isn't enouuuugh T-T
triquetralin chapter 7 . 5/4/2013
Wow! This was perfect! I've been looking for a decent TW vampire fic for ages, and eventually got so desperate I begged one of my fav writers for one. She couldn't write one, but she rec'd this one instead and man, am I grateful!

Loved every aspect of it and would have loved to read a sequel, but it doesn't look like you ever got round to writing one, unless you moved to some other site? *hopeful*

Anyway, great story!
Guest chapter 7 . 2/26/2013
Thankyou. DottyWho.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/25/2013
Thankyou. DottyWho.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/24/2013
Thankyou. DottyWho.
jaiclaire1 chapter 7 . 1/27/2013
Oooooh! Lovely! Perfect characterizations! Creep but lush and beautiful!
weeping00willow chapter 7 . 11/28/2012
This story was amazing! I usually shy away from vampire fics in all the fandoms I roam, but this one just got its little fangs inside me and wouldn't let me go until I read it to the last word. I loved and hated Webb's character with a passion from the first scene. He was so charming and devious, insinuating himself inside Ianto's defenses like that; I think he is the first original character in a Torchwood fic I actually enjoyed reading, you've done a marvelous job portraying him like you did. I admit I read through your story with a bit of trepidation - I didn't know if there was a happy ending for Jack and Ianto in store, so I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, for Webb to kill Ianto, or Ianto to kill himself or even for Jack to kill him because he had been turned into a monster. Well, objectively speaking, being raped both mentally and physically, then killed and turned into something not human hardly constitutes a happy ending from Ianto's perspective, but as a fanfic reader I couldn't help but sigh in relief that Jack and Ianto accepted this new situation and took it as the gift it was meant to be. Webb was right when he said Jack wouldn't open himself up to anybody that didn't share his immortality, for fear of losing them, and an immortal Ianto with bonus superhuman strength always counts as a win in my book. And this story was very well written and thought out, just like all your other fics. You are definitely one of my favourite authors in this fandom. Thank you for sharing your stories with us!
Napolean the Cat chapter 7 . 10/31/2012
Well, this was probably the best vampire fic I've EVER read, so yeah.

One thing I definitely have to compliment is how you got Webb to go from seeming like a pretty decent guy, bloodsucking-tendencies aside, to a complete bastard, to a guy with good intentions and a screwed up way of acting them out.

For the first three chapters I was all, "Wow, he's pretty cool and respectful of Ianto's opinions and 'cute little human quirks', considering he's a super powerful creature". Then he jumped Ianto and I could just imagine him wearing a cravat and a billowing cape, saying in a pompous voice with an intimidating British accent "Did you REALLY think you had a choice, Ianto?" And my opinion of him immediately switched gears. The bastard! Doing that to poor Ianto! He even teased him with the fantasy that he could choose between being human or vampire. Grah! And then I reached the last chap and I thought "Okay, so it was a nice gesture to Jack, but he was still so evil about it! He could've been a tad more kind and thoughtful, instead of attacking and bloodying and raping Ianto. Yeah, not cool."

And yet, despite all that, I still think he's an incredible vampire... Hm, I might have to read Twilight to erase this image of a superior vampire from my mind. Hahah. Well, anyways, it was a cool story, and pretty wild.
ToonyTwilight chapter 7 . 9/13/2012
This is the best vampire fic I have read and I loved Webb. If you do write more I will read it but for now I will review and favorite this story.
sandysan2013 chapter 7 . 8/27/2012
This is abolutey amazing.I can't begin to find the right words to tell you just how amazing it is. Wow! Dag! Sheesh! Goodness gracious! Just. Absolutely. A -mazing. Yep. Absolutely.
sandysan2013 chapter 1 . 8/27/2012
Ooohh, this is VERY interesting.
workingsomecoffeemagic chapter 7 . 8/3/2012
Wow! What a beautiful story! Such gorgeous and unsettling story-telling! And a happy EVER after-ending! Loved it! x
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