Reviews for Garbage
Sarahfreak chapter 1 . 1/19/2009
I remember when I read this fic the first time I really liked it and I'm sorry it's taken me this long to review *sheepishly smiles*

This fic was awesome (I'm not saying that because I enjoy reading Lavi being beaten to a pulp and sick though). Just the way you kept the theme (and gloriously dark feel) going through the entire fic, I could see the alleyway in my mind, the headlights of the car as it passed by...everything played in my head like a well-made movie and because of that I loved every second. It's also nice to see Kanda show compassion, even if he'll never say it aloud. Brilliant story. Loved it!
azab chapter 1 . 10/23/2008
i loved it
anonymous-annie chapter 1 . 10/20/2008
You really have a way with words- The dark atmosphere just came to life, and I could vividly imagine the icky alleyway. I'm not sure if I want to imagine Lavi vomiting up his insides though, but that's okay. The point being here is that your writing never fails to amaze me- Can I take a moment to fangirl over your description skills?- and you did a good job at really pulling the audience in.

Also, as a random sidenote here, I faintly recall reading a page of your blog back in September and seeing that cross-stitch RK design. I really don't mean to bug you during a review, but I'm a little too shy to pop out of nowhere and comment on your blog: May I ask permission to use that design for a t-shirt? I'd give you full credit on the shirt, of course. I apoligize, once again for the randomness on that comment, and commend you on your writing.
Winterblazewolf chapter 1 . 10/15/2008
It was confusing but I sort of think that the person was Kanda. D But this is nice. Sometimes confusing is nice. D
sabrina chapter 1 . 10/14/2008
okay lemme guess

kanda's the one doing the slapping

and lavi's the one barfing his guts up





hm...if it was kanda doing the slapping, i wonder how he'd act if it were allen instead. hm...

...but i don't really like yullen...yeah well anyway it was a good piece but i don't think the garbage thing is really great. how does being at death's door qualify you as garbage?

just a thought.
Pseudosuicide chapter 1 . 10/14/2008
ooh...cools. _ wow...i forgot i has stuff to read o *nervous laugh* Yea...anyway...I liked it D
melric chapter 1 . 10/13/2008
i like it, your stories always come as a pleasant surprise )

and it doesnt matter its not fluff, it doesnt even matter its really dark (hey this one isn't sad!) 'cause you dont sacrifice the characters' character for romance... it's that, i dont know, making a cheesy, softy Kanda for the only reason you want him kissing someone, is just not right... .right.

(in fact those stories give me the creeps and i have to stop reading) /and maybe you can guess -i just read a couple of those stories - i really needed your kind of story.

so my greatest compliment, and why i truly love your stories, is again, that you keep the characters in canon.

i can absolutely see kanda debating with himself about saving lavi, asking himself what the hell he is doing, and why, and if he shouldn't just let him die there - after all his opinion is that if someone cant take care of him/herself he/she isnt worth it.

and still of course saving him (oh, thats my guess - lavi is the sick one and kanda the one helping)

so thanks for writing realistic fanfictions! :] oh the paradox lol

ps: i hope this aint to much of an abuse, but it seems you get along with Momosportif just fine, and she doesnt admit anonymous reviews: please tell her i love he "Trois Kilometre" story, specially little Kanda's memory. In fact i adore all stories she writes concerning Tiedoll's squad early years - not as a pair (with all due respect) but as a parent concerned with his children. I really like them, thats the only reason i ask you this... so double thanks!
NaussicaVOW chapter 1 . 10/12/2008
Well...hey is it just me or are you getting bloodier, scarier, darker, and more confoozling with every story you wright?

I'm starting to think that to finish a story like vintage love, you would have to convert your mind to some previous self xD

Lol. Anyways, i can never say no to a good RK fic so YAYAYAYAYA!

I can barely find any good RKs anymore *Cries* thats why I always check your page first for any new stories xD

Anyways, keep doing what your doing! .

Julye chapter 1 . 10/11/2008
Hehe, of course I can guess, and I can guess right. *proud*

I dont find it confusing, but amazing instead. You said that you loved the details in my pix, but d'ya hav any idea how much I love (and envy) the details of your writings?

I luv it!
Yukiko Tsukishirou chapter 1 . 10/11/2008
Oh, hey! Another ficlet! I liked it, it was very metaphorical and I adore metaphors, especially if they're good. Damn, the language was beautiful! Though, yes, I though it was a bit confusing what with all the pronouns, I guess you achieved the effect you wanted. Good work! I think it was a more down-to-earth RK than most. War isn't sugary and sweet. It's dirty, disgusting, and completely lacks humanity. I think you portrayed that quite well. Like I've said before, if there were nothing but sweet and fluffy fics (as awesome as they are), it wouldn't be as real or as interesting.

Thank you for writing as always. Geez, I need to get my act together and post something. Now, before my plot bunneh runs away! Humbly waiting for your next story!~

cheezy chapter 1 . 10/11/2008
"He couldn’t understand why he stopped to go back and save him."

Silly Kanda, you like him of course XD

You got me confused there at the beginning but it slowly came clear to me as the story progress. Nicely written. *thumbs up*
yuki-tenshee chapter 1 . 10/11/2008
I always love your Lavi x Kanda one shots. Meh, they are always full of blood and a bit of angst - like a well made lemonade.

I especially love this one.

Hope you write more one-shots. And Lavi x Kanda forever!
Kiminaru chapter 1 . 10/11/2008
Very interesting, but definitely well written. Good job with it!
Fibonacci to Infinity chapter 1 . 10/11/2008
You always write very good oneshots! In truth the characters of this oneshot could any Exorsist of DGM.