Reviews for Contaminated Purity: Secrets Unfold
ilovehplotr chapter 8 . 7/22/2015
for some reason i'm glad lily lied to drea. i want malfoy to hurt. i mean i want him to hurt so bad that he breaks down in front of his class or the entire school. he is a self righteous- bastard, pureblood git, and a moron who tries to make others feel like lowlife scum. i'm very slytherin but, if you love someone you won't hurt them. malfoy is a coward. okay i love this story. wow, i always loved malfoy but right now, i loathe him
Bellatrix Lenorm chapter 16 . 4/12/2013
Just read ur ff in one go and I have to say it is the most unique and original piece I have recently read that involves "Dramione"

Your writing is really good and u express the feelings of ur charters skilfully, I really hope more people read and review this story and that u continue with it.
I look forward to the next chapter and finding out what happens in the war of Andrea vs baby voldy !
Ixiel chapter 5 . 10/9/2012
wow... those last words can bring trouble to Malfoy hahaha
hope you are well.
what kind o wand has drai got?
Ixiel chapter 3 . 10/9/2012
for one second i thought you were going to send drea to slytherin, being a malfoy and a pureblood and everything..
at least she gets to hang out with llily:)
see !
Guest chapter 15 . 6/18/2012
Amazing story can't wait to find out what happened ;) please update soon!
Master of the Hallows chapter 14 . 6/13/2012
Definately interested to see where this goes. :)
anonymous chapter 12 . 5/26/2010
You write well. I wish there was more of this story!
conh3 chapter 12 . 10/6/2009
this story has potential but it is really slow...
Reader chapter 12 . 9/30/2009
Please update soon. I really love your story and I'll be waiting for more. Keep up the good work! :))
spikeecat chapter 12 . 7/7/2009
Hm... Interesting... I'll be looking forward to the next chapter especially if D & H have to come into contact with each other in order to deal with this situation. Please update again soon.
alina290 chapter 12 . 7/6/2009
Wow! what a miracle that we get to see a new chapter. I was really left thinking more about chapter nine. I keep on wondering waht surprises you are going to haved for us. It seems like a lot of danger to me specially if Lucius is involved. He can be a real threat.

Angelides chapter 11 . 6/28/2009

You've got an absolutely brill storyline there )

Keep up the good work - and please, please, please update soon!

fggt16 chapter 11 . 5/23/2009
plizz update soon!
kmmc chapter 1 . 5/22/2009
This was really good Julia! It was AWESOME! You're a great writer!
padfootsnuffles chapter 11 . 5/19/2009
I am impressed. I just found this story and I am dying to read more. Please update soon!
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