Reviews for In the Kitchen with a Killer
Guest chapter 1 . 8/31/2016
A lot of the others that end in Jackson/Lisa territory come off as wishful thinking or woefully out of character. Not this one. I loved it. :) Thank you.
leave your sanity at the door chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
What else can I say but...well played, Ma'am! The dialogue is brilliant and the UST is absolutely delicious. Mega kudos!
Nectar-Ambrosia chapter 1 . 7/19/2012
I love this.
"If you could kill me, you would have. What do they call this? Stockholm syndrome?"

"That's for the hostage. For the captor, it's just sick."

Pahahaha! That, and everything else, pretty much. Vivacious, clever, in character, creative, and exciting.
Sepsis chapter 1 . 3/28/2011
wonderful! I dont know enough english words to express it, but I mean it! xD Great!
Calkat chapter 1 . 5/8/2010
I've only seen Red Eye on the off-chance it's on Starz when I pass through, but I've been on a little kick, browsing through your stuff which is absolutely captivating (and that might just be a run-on sentence - blah).

It's a rare treat to find such a fine writer, and now you say you're on LJ. I"ll have to start tapping back into my LJ roots to see what other works you've produced.

But to review the actual story:

I really enjoyed how you built up the tension until they were finally in her kitchen. It was a sort of reverse cat-and-mouse which is unique and altogether wonderful. And the fact that you made Lisa just as twisted (with a little hint of sanctimonious) was brilliant. As much as they hate each other, they thrill each other and wow, it's like a lightning bolt to the groin for the two.

Simply, I loved it.
KagomeBadass17 chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
Now this is what I don't get. Did...Jackson just aske her out I mean set a date for them? If so please keep writing because I would love to see where this goes.
mardigrasbeads chapter 1 . 10/23/2009
Very effective short short story. I love it when a writer can communicate a lot in very few words, which you certainly can!
hopefulwriter chapter 1 . 10/15/2009
I loved your story. I thought it was a pretty fresh take on things. It feels like it should be longer though. I think if you get any more ideas for it you should think about doing a sequel or something. I'd definitely read it :)
Kaidou chapter 1 . 3/17/2009
This makes total sense and everyone is completely in character. I love it, write more if you get inspired. I'd love to read it.
vega-de-la-lyre chapter 1 . 3/8/2009
Wow, this remains one of the most tense, sexy, awesome codas to the movie I've ever seen. Fantastic job; I know it's probably annoying to ask for more, but you nailed their dynamic so perfectly I can't not ask!
Marguerite chapter 1 . 1/22/2009
This is very interesting, you came highly recommended and I was not disappointed. Update?
FluidDegree chapter 1 . 1/15/2009
I really enjoyed that, I wish it wasn't a one shot though, who knows maybe the mood will strike and you can make a series or something...
pringle.sam chapter 1 . 1/3/2009 this story. poor jackson, being out-stalkered by lisa...

great work!
dustie-snark chapter 1 . 12/11/2008
Wow. You are a delight to read! I love the imagery you infuse into your phrases. Instead of saying something dull such as "his voice was raspy from that one time she stabbed in in the throat," you write something elegant and expressive: "the rasp in his voice, the memory of pens and silk scarves clinging stubbornly to every word." I also love the way you create an undertone of urgency without explicitly stating "they were tense."

Thanks for sharing! :)

coughingcolours chapter 1 . 10/30/2008
Ep! Lovely, lovely, lovely! Oh..oh you should definetely continue this, it is perfect! You caught their characters well I think, even for just a short while :P
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