Reviews for After Sunrise
Slayer76 chapter 9 . 10/7
I figure that Hermione got an E because of Umbridge getting trash tier theory books, which is where Hermione thrives intellectually. Lack of books means none of her perfectionist study methods could help her become skilled enough to bridge the gap created by Harry's raw power.

And since Harry isn't as big a book learner as hermione, he could figure out the theory of DADA by using the spells and gleaming theory from that alone.

...or my school's belief that 'the best way to master something is to teach it to someone else' is truer than it had a right to be.
K chapter 14 . 9/4
I was really enjoying this, and then it suddenly stopped, and as the last update was eleven years ago, I suspect it will remain unfinished. What a shame, to abandon such a great story.
K chapter 1 . 9/3
Yes, it needed to be done. I’m sorry, JKR, but your epilogue just didn’t ring true, whereas this one is far, far more credible.
eragon95159 chapter 14 . 3/9
Continue and update soon please.
HeartsGlow chapter 12 . 2/23
"She said he wasn't there" WHO? Ron accompanied Minerva so she could floo back info in the book, so who is this "he" that wasn't there?
HeartsGlow chapter 10 . 2/23
So, still no form of punishment for Ginny or Umbridge?
HeartsGlow chapter 9 . 2/23
I agree about Ron's Potion's OWL. However, even though Hermione in canon would have aced the theory portion of DADA, she was not as strong in the Practical. She was good, but she did struggle with some of it. I did find that odd when she was so good in everything else.
HeartsGlow chapter 8 . 2/23
I do not understand why Kingsley doesn't fire Umbridge. She has caused problems and messed up enough for him to do so.
HeartsGlow chapter 7 . 2/23
What will they do about Ginny?
HeartsGlow chapter 5 . 2/23
So instead of meddling Dumbles we now have Meddling Molly! Oh, I think it'd be very easy to replace Ron with Neville. Many writers have done a great job of it. However, it's a pleasant surprise to see a Ron that is maturing.
HeartsGlow chapter 4 . 2/23
Reading the fifth paragraph. Still makes no sense. They kept a relationship from Ron long before they needed to do so. Why?
HeartsGlow chapter 3 . 2/23
Well, she didn't waste any time getting pregnant after the first one, did she? Wondering why someone who is so bright wasn't on a potion. Also, if she was pregnant during 6th year, I understand the secrecy for that but why the secrecy that they were together as a couple? That began when?
flonkerton1987 chapter 14 . 2/12
I'm really sad this hasn't been updated. absolutely loved the story and world expansion.
Guest chapter 14 . 10/30/2019
Too bad this never finished really like it to continued, one of the few h/hr early together married with kids.
You drag it out too long with molly and ginny and now we never read it me thinks. There to nice to them and need to be clear or even leave them out of there lifes. They not even let arthur into it and let him lay out the law, think several people are suspiscious about the two.
And by the way i hardly think h/hr would really be bothered by a child be magical or not, sure sad how it happend need to get through it, but it's not as if they can't kope with it.
Also really h/hr not even bothered by ron seeing them naked that's weird, and also them not making make it clear why it would never have worked.
Guest chapter 14 . 8/9/2019
I wish you had finished.
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