Reviews for Chaos at the Château
Rugrat247 chapter 4 . 1/2/2010
Those little-

Well, they know one of the perpetrators are French! Maybe he's the one with the torn jacket? Would give them more of a lead. He was wearing a mask, which makes it more obvious that he doesn't want anyone to see his face. Duh. The noob (nice choice of words, I know). Lol. XDD

Another great chappie! (is still hoping she doesn't have nightmares...)

Seto's footsteps to the rescue? XD

Update soon! :D
Rugrat247 chapter 3 . 1/2/2010
Just when you think it's getting somewhere, the plot only thickens!

I wonder who the cloth belongs to.

Another good chapter. Nice job!
Rugrat247 chapter 2 . 1/2/2010
Ooh. Awesome. I love the mystery of it all.

I hope I don't have nightmares. Lol. Creepy.

Good job, though. :)
Rugrat247 chapter 1 . 1/1/2010
Ooh. Great chapter! A good start. Everyone's IC. Especially Joey. The first scene just sucked me in. I immediately knew you would have every character IC! :D

I wonder if Marik's gonna be in this. (is a fangirl! XD)

I think I know why Seto wasn't in class. ;)

Nonetheless, good chapter!
Crystal Rose of Pollux chapter 4 . 9/12/2009
LOL Kaiba bros' banter! But yikes at them being watched! ...And the creep isn't alone.

LOL at Croquet's reaction when the others say that they need his help!

And poor Yugi, running into the creeps and nearly losing the puzzle to them!

Definitely loving this so far! And LOL... you've got me wanting to go back to my YGO mysteries. XD
natcat5 chapter 4 . 8/25/2009
oh, slight cliffhanger...
Kaiba-Kun chapter 4 . 8/25/2009
O! Sounds scary. And Seto won the bet- as usual. Poor Mokuba. And Yugi had a close one- dun dun dun!

Can't wait for more.
monkeyillusion chapter 4 . 8/25/2009
it's great (cannot wait for more... D
monkeyillusion chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
nice- like the way you have made the characters say what they actually would (not like what some people make them- just whatever is needed!)
Doodle Sketch chapter 3 . 4/8/2009
I really like this, great writing, and keep it up!
Tender Melodies chapter 3 . 3/30/2009
Hmm, the mystery thickens! Personally, I think Marshand is a bit too obvoius to be the criminal, but you never know, he could have soemone else working for him.

Jou has made me hungry :)
Crystal Rose of Pollux chapter 3 . 3/27/2009
Ooh, I love how this is going! LOL at Mokuba and his game!

And ooh, I wonder who the ill-tempered new businessman is... very intriguing...

I love the idea of the tunnel the others are in... LOL, poor Joey, getting ahead of himself... And, of course, he has to find the secret door that way. XD

And ooh, a cursed room... more intrigue!

Looking forward to more!
noone chapter 3 . 3/25/2009
is malik going to appear?
The Duelist's Heiress chapter 3 . 3/25/2009
I don't like Marshand one bit.

Kaiba-Kun chapter 3 . 3/25/2009
dadadadumm! Kaiba knows something no one else does...

Sherlock Muto and his band of cheerleaders, priceless xD (literally)

Nice Job. Update soon.
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