Reviews for Red String
Guest chapter 9 . 3/26
I feel heavily insulted that you have never updated since chap. 9. leavin me in tears like this isn’t funky fresh
Guest chapter 9 . 11/10/2018
Sweet jesus christ whats with all of the dead cliffhangers- 2009,its almost 10 years
Guest chapter 9 . 8/19/2018
No more :(
cisc0 chapter 9 . 6/3/2018
Instant classic, really nicely written - especially with all the subplots - it flows really well.

I really like the Ike side-story, I think you really aced your imagining of Ike in the context of growing up and how he interacts with Kyle's friends.

Thanks for writing this, it's one of my favourites even without being totally finished.
Gonzadroit chapter 9 . 4/14/2018
OMG- How could you?! Pleasee update! I looove it.
Kat chapter 9 . 12/2/2017
Finishing this story only to realize it hasn’t been updated in almost ten years was the worst thing that happened to me this weekend.

Vessel19 chapter 9 . 5/14/2016
Wha wha wha this is only half done?! I binge read this in the last 24 hours! It is so fucking good!
Guest chapter 9 . 5/2/2016
no way! To be honest I didn't think they would actually break up, thought it was just an evil joke, but you surprised me!

Wow, just wow, I love the way you write and how the characters are, because I think you really get everyone essence on SP.
I know Wendy and Cartman are a usual pairing, and when is included on a fic I usually skip that part, BUT yours, omg I'm eager to know what's happening! And I think that's because on how you describe the characters and make their interactions happen along with your writhing.

Thank you for not giving up on this fic, is totally amazing.
Take care of yourself :)
jade0dragon chapter 9 . 2/27/2016
How can you say the story is half finished and just leave it there and never write anything else? Especially after breaking up everyone's OTP D: Wherever you're at in life now PLEASE finish the story no matter how short or long it is!
KeruKeru chapter 7 . 1/8/2016
So I have to say. Your author's note at the end of this terrified so much that I went to the end of chapter 9 just to prove to myself it wasn't true that they were breaking up. Needless to say that, despite your 6 year hiatus for whatever reason, this story needs to be continued. Your 400 favs/follows surely agree with me.

This story has showed me how adorable Butters and Kenny are. It's showed me how much I can truly hate a pairing (Cartmen and Wendy) and still get all giddy and want them to be together in the end. Even how much I can care for Bebe despite the fact she's barely even in the show anymore.

You sir, or madam, have possibly one of the greatest fanfics I've ever seen on this entire website. And while you'll mostly likely not come back, I urge you to. This community needs it and this story needs it.
Raphlez chapter 9 . 1/6/2016
God fuck damnit Stan!? Whyyyyyy such a good story haha they finally admitted they love each other but then they break up gosh darn it
Guest chapter 9 . 7/26/2015
This really is one of the best Style fanfics ever created. I can only hope that in the end everyone was happy :']. Shame Stan never got that blowjob
Sharon S chapter 9 . 7/21/2015
I love this story sooo much! But Stan broke up with Kyle... :'( Oh my. I know from seeing how you last updated this more than five years ago you're probably not going to continue this story, but if you do by any chance see this review, PLEASE KEEP WRITING! I love this story and you can't just leave us after it's halfway done!
RoseBadwolf1000 chapter 3 . 3/29/2015
NO NOT THE SHIP! Aw man! Things were going so nicely for Candy too.

I love the way the Style ship is progressing, but the bunny one is getting really sad. :(

Still in love with the story though.
RoseBadwolf1000 chapter 2 . 3/29/2015
THIS IS SO ADORABLE! I love this story so much! I can barely stop reading right now!
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