Reviews for 10 Years From Now
Dell 39 Clues chapter 34 . 3/12
This story, I have read for years! Ever since you wrote the first chapter! I really hope you continue it! I love how everyone is turning out, it’s the perfect sequel to the KND I grew up with. Though I know you’ve been really busy, thank you for still writing this!
Much apreciated chapter 34 . 12/13/2018
Please continue this story! I love this one very much, I’ve been reading since the beginning! And I cannot wait to see what happens!
Dokinya Jinxy chapter 34 . 10/9/2018
Aah, I miss this story so much TwT mainly because of your wonderful characters! I know you’re extremely busy with your exciting new career and being engaged and I hope it’s all working out completely for you! Just letting you know that your amazing stories and lovable (though some of them aren’t lmao) characters and you are never forgotten!
Guest chapter 34 . 4/27/2017
Does dread have borderline personality disorder?
Aster Sapphire chapter 12 . 3/17/2017
Well that's embarrassing, my review for 11 isn't complete. I hit the post button to soon. I was TRYING to say that this story is pretty good and I like what you've done with the characters for the most part. Although I'm really hoping Abby and Dingo don't end up together. He's so toxic and boarderline abusive and it'd be a nice breath breath of fresh air see a character like that get rejected and called out on his shit by the girl he's "in love" with. So far you're doing a great job writing their lives relationship. I really feel I've seen it develop, even if it is in a downward spiral kind of way. Like at first he seems like kind of an ass but then he slowly started to lose it and now he's just a maniac, so great job with that! Looking forward to more.
Aster Sapphire chapter 11 . 3/17/2017
This is pretty good so far, really love what y
KubotaGirl91 chapter 34 . 12/17/2016
Will this be continuing? been waiting for some time to see what happens. This story is so well written and detailed, i could read it forever.
Guest chapter 5 . 11/4/2016
I'm curious, are the two people kissing in your cover photo supposed to be fanny and dodge. If so, can you tell me what their names are or how i can search for them on the net. I've always been curious about that particular photo since they remind me a lot of dodge and fanny.
LuvYaBunches15 chapter 34 . 5/16/2016
I absolutely love your story here. Took me 3 days to read the whole thing and I hope you continue to work on it. Im dying to read more. :D
Kimarys Adriana chapter 34 . 3/6/2016
I live your story and I'm glad Mushi and Hoagie got out. Now that Sandy saw her, I hope they'll make it out. AGAIN, Maurice and Hoagie NEED to know Bonnie was pregnant. Otherwise, they'll think of her as a scam ! I really hope Dingo is the father of Abby's baby
Guest chapter 34 . 2/1/2016
I have been following this story since early 2013 and I have to say, I really, really admire how much effort, dedication and beautiful in depth writing you put into this story for so many years. I have seen great talented writers like yourself abandon stories that they have crafted and to see you still updating after so many years is so great :'D. I really do wanna thank you for sticking with this wonderful, emotionally and beautifully written story and you definitely deserve all the praise in the world. Your characters are so wonderfully written (my favorite is Bandit, he is simply the best along with Dodge and Trent and AHHH your villains are really the best written villains I ever read) and fit so well with the KND characters. I appreciate all that you have been doing and I hope you have a great, great day! Kudos!
solaif79 chapter 34 . 12/26/2015
Hopefully you update soon
Keep working as hard as you can, Dino
KleineAnya chapter 34 . 12/26/2015
Yaaaay! You've updated :)
It's completely ok that you take your time to write your story, specialy because then you give us this huge juicy chapters.
Ohhh, the drama is killing me! I think somebody needs to knock some sense into Leyla, because Dread belongs in an institution, I understand that mother's love knows no limits, but he is hurting people and personally I think the emotional abuse and blackmail he is doing to Bandit is worst then physical abuse.
All this angst makes my heart hurt, but I am addicted!
I believe Kuki needs a bigger role and Fanny and Dodge need to get back together ASAP.
I will wait anxiously for your next update. Merry Christmas and have a wonderful new year!
Dokinya chapter 34 . 12/23/2015
Omg! Not another cliffhanger noooo! XD I feel so bad for Bandit too ;-; I really want him and Dodge to have a happy ending! I feel like bomb is about to be dropped of Derek being Dodges father or something or Jake. Im leaning towards Jake though lol I feel like it was mentioned already but I just can't remember. Can j just say that I love Fanny? Lol I love how she's some kick ass girl not afraid to stand up to Dreads bullshit. For his guessing Borderline Persinality Disorder. I can't wait for more! Damn cliffhangers lol

And in case I can't say it sooner, Merry Christmas!
Making Some Toast chapter 34 . 12/23/2015
Aaaaaah I cry from excitement. This is such an addicting story and I was waiting for this to be updated! Dingo is being a dingus, Dread is crazy and terrifying. I just wanted to hug Mack because he's such a good person and I am glad Dodge has someone he can count on like that. This chapter was really great because a lot of the characters are coming together! Sandy is back, Wally and them finally made it back to the house. They all just need a nice nap after this. Also I really want Dodge to have his happy ending too, I forgot how much I was rooting for him. Eagerly waiting for the next chapter! I hope you finish! And have a great Christmas!
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