Reviews for From The Beginning
Bonnie chapter 1 . 6/3/2019
That was a good, good story!
I liked Ranger, Steph n the Mm, and Ella.
I love that her father bought, kept, and returned her but at and very happy she found Her music again.
MMBabefanmmm chapter 1 . 4/18/2019
What an awesome story. So compelling and addictive. I loved the multi-layered plot and your characterisation so much. Stephanie and Ranger and her affect on him was great to see and loved the Merry Men's reaction. You incorporated so many hysterical laugh out loud moments that I had to leave the bedroom. Thank you for such an enjoyable, intriguing and detailed story woven so deftly with recognisable canon but added your own signature as well. Worth so many more reviews. 1000 reviews from me!
lillie.metcalffender chapter 1 . 2/19/2019
In one word...Amazing !
Blistful2006 chapter 1 . 1/22/2019
Gosh such a crazy convoluted story. Loved how different yet the same she was for the most part. Nice to see her bond with everyone and a slightly different ranger. Atleast more willing to admit his feelings and her too. Great story
Madgor chapter 1 . 12/27/2018
This is brilliant! So we’ll written and a good creative multi-layerd story. I’m impressed and relly enjoyed reading every single word. Thank you!
Rangerbabe21 chapter 1 . 2/5/2018
Wow one of the best most riveting stories I have read. I'm only going to say that while the medical shit might be right on, nobody with a double fracture hops around! Even on pain med it is too fucking painful. Every hop jars everything and she would have been having to elevate and ice a LOT. I had a very bad injury and was nonweightbearing for weeks and just using two crutches hurts. I'm like Steph I hated the pain meds and really suffered through, but you don't go hoping around like that its too damn painful! Esp with her hip and all her other injuries. Other than that it was really a great story and so complex and well written. I really enjoyed it. Can't wait to read the rest!

Really would have preferred separate chapter postings. But I suffered through!
marysix chapter 1 . 7/28/2017
This story is so good, it's crazy! I found it about a year ago, but forgot to save it. So glad to have refound it. It's a fun story that's a little bit of a redux on OftM, but mostly different. There's so much here, but there could easily be an epilogue, or a sequel. If you like a fun, kinda intense Babe story, give this a try!
Shanita67 chapter 1 . 6/19/2017
This was seriously good. Funny thinking of Steph as a blonde
PhillyGirl27 chapter 1 . 1/17/2017
A top-notch fiction here, Sue! You had all the elements that make a story great: excellent characters, gripping plot, exciting action, and heart-warming romance. Carlos and Steph were so instantly attracted to each other, so good to see. And all the Merry Men wanted to be so lucky, but loved and supported her all the way. Even the family members were believable. There were just so many plot points that were expertly woven together and nothing left hanging...all completely satisfying! Can't wait to read the next tale! Thanks for your VERY HARD work in building this perfect story! -Kathy
RhoJ chapter 1 . 3/12/2016
Wow, that was a wonderful story. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful talent with us. Now on to the sequel, I can't wait.
Stephannie1014 chapter 1 . 8/26/2015
I forgot how much I love your stories! Thank you for everything you put into them!
MargaritaS chapter 1 . 7/15/2015
nicely done :)
Guest chapter 1 . 2/12/2015
If you read stories based on # of reviews, this one might slip by you. Don't let it! The author finished the whole story and posted the entire thing so that 36 chapters seems like 1. Which means readers can only review once. Be sure to read From the Beginning. You'll be glad you did!
Avid Reader 59 chapter 1 . 4/7/2014
I just read this for the fourth or fifth time, I think. However, evidently I never reviewed, so I decided to remedy that this time. I really like your portrayal of Stephanie. I love how you kept much of her background the same, but increased her depth by adding her musical and singing talent. I remember the first time I read this I was shocked when I realized you'd made Steph a blonde. I almost stopped reading, but luckily I got over it and kept going. I would have missed one heck of a great story if I hadn't finished it. I love how you wrote Ranger and how quickly he falls for Stephanie. And the Merry Men, what can I say? You've written them so perfectly; I love how supportive and protective they are of Stephanie. I especially like how you've portrayed Lester and Tank. I also really like Raoul's character and his and Ranger's relationship. And I like how you've written Joe and how he and Ranger and the Merry Men are all able to work together when necessary in order to save Stephanie.

I also commend you on your evil villains and how perfectly you injected them into Stephanie's past and brought them into the present. Steph goes through some horrific ordeals in this story, but honestly, I think there's more angst in the sequel, which I'm about to read again, also for about the fourth or fifth time. Thank you for sharing your superb writing talent with us and creating such a wonderful story.
RangersBabeGirl chapter 1 . 4/6/2014
This is a great story, it really is too bad though that it was uploaded as a one chapter story. You have reduced the number of times each person can review this story to just once each. I have questions, comments and reviews that I would have left for each of the 35 chapters in this story. Looking forward to continuing reading this story line.
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