Reviews for Sweet Beginnings
eaz35173 chapter 1 . 6/3/2016
A candy graph ... what a great idea. Nice to hear some stories of when Daniel was a lad and the antics he participated in.
AnonymousLily chapter 1 . 8/5/2012
Now you've made me look forward to Halloween and it's only August! The captain's pranks as a lad were delightful- loved the Abernathy story within a story! The candy graph amuses me no end- would have loved to do something like that as a kid. That Mr. Muir thought of it in your story gave me a distinct appreciation of him- plus Carolyn mentions him in casual conversation- loved it. I like the rock star costume for Candy as well- just picturing it!
GratefullyDead chapter 1 . 1/30/2009
Another good one. This is so sweet and very familial. I love it when the Captain tells tales of his childhood.
AJeff chapter 1 . 11/9/2008
You have a way of bringing your characters to life. I enjoyed this peek into Captain Gregg's childhood. After all, he was once human, he said. I've always thought of him as only a "ghost, and this story indeed showed his human mischievous side. Well done!
Mary chapter 1 . 11/8/2008
Sweet! (No pun intended) the Captain sounds like a little scamp of a boy! I thought is was neat that he was actually willing to tell her something about his past, expecially so early in their relationship! It's really too bad that the series didn't invest in a Halloween show either year, considering the name of the show is The Ghost and Mrs. Muir!

Gregg'sGirl chapter 1 . 11/7/2008
I really enjoyed getting a glipse into Daniel's childhood. Found out this year my mother was quite the little prankster. She soaped windows. Really Great Story