Reviews for The Challenges Life Brings
Queen-Marauders chapter 19 . 7/22/2019
Please please please update this is so good and such a cliffhanger you left us on would love to read more from you
AxLiva chapter 19 . 1/16/2019
I love the fanfic! You might want to work on your spellings but otherwise it's really good! Please update!
Guest chapter 19 . 1/12/2019
Need more! I know it been years but if you are still there write!
Goldenbassets chapter 19 . 6/13/2018
This was a fun story! I’d love to see more about the fallout, what happens next, if Logan and Finn get involved, can Tristan and Rory get through this?
Goldenbassets chapter 5 . 6/12/2018
Really liked the flip with Luke and Jess talking Rory and Lorelai into believing this will all work out.
Mafe mari chapter 19 . 6/3/2018
Look I loved your story, but why didn’ you finished it. You left it in suspense. But never wrote again so could you please finish the story, cause I would love to hear more from you.

Loved your story ️
ClaudiaCleland chapter 1 . 1/9/2018
I hope you will come back one day, because I like the story and the new characters you added. Refreshing idea.
heathermarshall chapter 19 . 5/7/2017
please update soon
Guest chapter 19 . 2/16/2017
I love this story. I thought it was a really cool way to change the story line and have Rory have a good relationship not only with her mother but with her farther as well. I know it has been over 2 years since you updated but I would love it if you updated this story.
MargaritaS chapter 19 . 11/16/2016
i love this story, i wish here was more, i will keep my fingers crossed that you come back to it someday... you have had long breaks before so i shall stay optimistic.
Guest chapter 19 . 10/26/2016
I'm not sure if you are on here at all anymore or even reading the reviews...just this much...this story is really amazing and I really hope that you will continue it someday. Although seeing that it has been nearly two years since your last update, I guess you won't. Just know that there are people reading and enjoying it. I really hope you come back here and finish this story. I'd love to know how it goes on. Don't let us hang
CabbieLoverSAC22 chapter 19 . 2/4/2016
You would think with Gilmore Girl coming back on Netflix a lot of authors would return to their stories. I hope you will continue your story this is one of the best fanfic I read so far.
CabbieLoverSAC22 chapter 8 . 2/2/2016
Please finish this story. It's so good.
sharbour0108 chapter 19 . 12/17/2015
Please please do not give up on this story. I absolutely love the way you are writing Rory.
nightnovice chapter 19 . 8/20/2015
If you could see your way to finishing this story we would be ever so grateful. This tale is so refreshing.
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