Reviews for Sophomores
Zach chapter 27 . 6/14/2019
Considering this is the last thing you've updated on this site completely I hope you're okay. Going from writing as much as you did to not at all seems a little unlikely. But hopefully you've just gotten very busy. I really enjoyed this series and although it may not be fair for me to ask this, if you're in good health and can find the time I would really appreciate it if you could update and finish this series. It would mean a lot to me and a lot of other people.
Soph chapter 26 . 7/13/2018
Although i assume that this will never be finished, i adore this story because of your ability to stay true to the original characters, as well as put your own spin on them. I truly admire your writing style and hope you pursue something in the writing field, whether it’s professional or a side hobby because this is one hell of a well-crafted story. I am content on where the story left off even though it will never be finished; it means that you are traveling to bigger and better things within your own life! That I congratulate you for, and i thank you for giving us a super good story!
2NiCe4U chapter 27 . 5/10/2018
More Please! Love this story!
Whirlwind18 chapter 13 . 2/19/2018
Rocky, I know this fic was written almost ten years ago (eek), and I know you’re no longer updating it. But in the event that you still read your reviews from time to time, I’m coming out of the shadows to express my deepest love for you.

Believe it or not, I actually started reading both this and your companion piece, We Were Merely Freshmen, at the time you were writing/updating them on this site. I was in high school, going through a hard time, and found solace in rewatching my favorite childhood cartoon and occasionally reading fanfiction in secret. Your writing astounded me then, and it still does, all these years later. Rocky, you have a real knack for this thing. You managed to keep all of our beloved characters in sync with the show, while still growing them up an enormous and yet believable amount. Your plot lines are well-woven together; your original characters are fleshed out and interesting; your voice is unique and emotional and lovely.

I just hope that you’re off somewhere now living a happy life and maybe writing fiction of your own. If anyone is talented enough to do it, it’s you.
Tinaye.Mat chapter 27 . 9/30/2017
truth be told Rocky, this is one of the best stories I've ever read, this is truly amazing. I know you won't update because this was posted six years ago but I love this story so much. One of the best fan fics I've ever read, bc most of them are rushed and cringy, but this one was not. Thanks for making me sit on the edge of my seat, bawl my eyes out, and make me gasp lmao.
Tinaye.Mat chapter 23 . 9/30/2017
omgggggg wtffff...great story btw. lovin it
DreamaDove93 chapter 4 . 5/20/2017
I ship curly and Helga. hard.
Nikki Pond chapter 27 . 6/29/2016
Where the hell is Arnie?

Hmm. Well, they finally did it
Nikki Pond chapter 21 . 6/29/2016
i honestly kind of hope it would be helga
Nikki Pond chapter 4 . 6/28/2016
I am actually loving this Curly-Helga, I had honestly hoped that Helga would not be paired with Arnold, but you definitely created a conflict, and this time, you are going to center it on Helga rather than Arnold's love life. Oh boy, I bet I am going to enjoy this
pinkdynamite chapter 27 . 8/27/2015
First off I just wanted to say that I LOVE this saga! The characters are true to the series and I love watching them grow and change. I sincerely hope that you will continue this series, even though it seems unlikely at this point. All the same, thanks for a great read!
Guest chapter 12 . 8/3/2015
pink and purple hanfu. kimono are Japanese clothes. Mulan is Chinese.
Abby chapter 27 . 2/5/2015
So I guess you are no longer updating this story, which is a real shame because it was amazing. Thank you for all of your hard work. It was very well written and I enjoyed the plot and the characters. Thank you for sharing your talents with me.
CoolPirate9 chapter 27 . 7/20/2014
I feel like your fic got "cancelled" since you haven't continued it in 3 years. At least we know they're together.
MeAndYouForeverBaby chapter 27 . 7/14/2014
*updated July 25, 2011*
Just when we were getting to the good part :)

Wow. Just wow. I stumbled upon this story while looking at an author's profile for updates. I read Freshman and then started this. Freshman was amazing, so I had to continue to the next saga! I initially thought this was finished, but when I realized it wasn't I knew I shouldn't keep on reading, but I had to! I love how you keep everyone in character while still having them experience high school and your original characters blend in pretty well. I wasn't sure how I felt about reading about rape and pregnancy, but you did it well and blended everything nicely. I finished chapter 27 at 2am today, really sad to find out that the last time this was updated was nearly three years ago!You're such an amazing writer, and I know you must've gotten really busy. The best FanFiction writers are ALWAYS the busiest, so I understand. I just really hope you continue this one day! And if you are, just take your time updating. It's worth the wait for such an amazing story! I hope you remember this story and all the amazing readers/ reviewers and decide to update! Good Luck!
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