Reviews for Prince Liam's Lioness
pixie2naturegirl chapter 50 . 7/1/2019
Really fantastic story! I’m really disappointed that there was no scene between Clarissa and Alanna, though. Long lost aunt! Great extension of the universe all around. You are a very talented writer. Hope you’ve published some some of your own work in the ten years since you wrote this!
StormSorceress39 chapter 11 . 11/21/2013
If ohmi isn't actually K'miri, it should be.
ladyartemis39 chapter 50 . 3/4/2013
This is such a good story,that after discovering it I continued to read it until I finished it at 1:01at night. I am such a nerd :D
BookFreak976 chapter 8 . 2/18/2013
Is Kel in this?
Guest chapter 50 . 2/2/2013
i really like this story it was long but it felt like the right amount of time
Emilia chapter 42 . 9/29/2012
Jon has sat there six times, as he has six children?
HarleyRulez chapter 50 . 9/18/2011
Ok it was three in the morning when i found this story, i was having a very hard time getting to sleep, and it was amazing. I've been reading it all day and must admit you are a sensational writer. And the characters had not changed to much, they just brought out the best in each other and had a little ait of growing up to do anyway. And I'm pretty sure this is the longest comment i'm ever written
Guest chapter 50 . 8/15/2011
I just wanted to say you did a magnificent job with this story! Usually I hate pregnant fics but you pulled it off spectacularly because the whole story didn't revolve around it. You managed to get action, humor, and romance in this story and kept it interesting and believable. Again, job well done!

muppetmadness chapter 50 . 7/30/2011
Just read through all of this and really liked it. I felt that after 50 chapters you deserved a review so here you go. Olivia is one of my favourite OCs and I loved the entire world you created
musingsofafangirl chapter 50 . 3/22/2011
Great ending. I definitely agree that a happily-ever-after ending wouldn't fit their lifestyle and personalities. This way you can tell that happiness is in the works, but there will still be trails to face and bad guys to fight.

Great story... Is there a sequel in the works (please say yes!)

As always, great job!


musingsofafangirl chapter 5 . 3/22/2011
Plyos! The reason I hate my life!

Sorry, normally I wouldn't review until the last chapter, but the temptation was just too great.

I'll keep this short and leave the rest of it for my longer review at the end.

So far, great job.


Honeylemonginger chapter 50 . 12/30/2010
I absolutely adored reading your fic. :) Looking forward to having a look at what else you've written too.
sergeant wellington chapter 50 . 8/5/2010
awwwwwwwwww this story was v. long but v. good! loved loved loved looooooooved it! well done!
faults chapter 43 . 7/17/2010
Okay, so, this quote was a few chappies back but I forgot to review (I'd already copied it but not pasted obviously)

"Those are not dogs," Olivia said, her voice dripping with disdain. "They are rats with fluffy wigs."


*cough* just thought to let you know...
faults chapter 26 . 7/15/2010
argh! sorry for not reviewing earlier, so far this is a fantastic story!

umm... because this chappy made me giggle like a wheel of cheese (uh... I like unusual similes) I thought it defs deserved a review!


thanks to you and all the other fabulous authors out there..

I have no social life (my laptop is really the only thing I see regularly!)

:D gonna keep reading now!
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