Reviews for Halloween World: Emerald Hope's Bulletin Board
AngelForm chapter 1 . 3/31/2011
Most amusing.

Can’t kill it with fire? Try hell-fire!
Rain Urameshi chapter 1 . 1/14/2010
Oh, and the White Wolf stuff, too. XD Can't forget the Get of Fenris mention at the very top of the page, ne?
Ysabet chapter 1 . 4/5/2009
XD Being that I grew up RIGHT smack in the middle of the NW Florida area this covers (I went to college in Pensacola at UWF) I purely love this. And you have Conan as a part of it, too... must go dig up spaceman's original stories now and read them; thanks for doing this!
Laryna6 chapter 1 . 3/13/2009
Brad(ley) and Angelina? Those two are just adorable, but it's odd that they'd end up someone's Halloween costumes. Still, it's awesome to see someone else is a fan of them. They don't get all that much screen time, but given that Angelina is a DMC girl, after all, it's a little odd that all she'd do if her boyfriend got massive burns is cry.

It's nowhere near as OOC as the episode of Gargoyles where Fox yelled at Lexington when Alex got kidnapped instead of grabbing a weapon and heading out in the Goliath Chronicles , but it's a bit... Of course, it might be that author's version of them, and Angelina's a civilian, even if she does have a backbone (running towards the screaming), but the Devil May Cry approach to that sort of thing is avenge first, then cry.

I utterly didn't pick up who they were on the first read-through because of that. *shrugs*

Another note is that in this fic you mention that some demons and such feed on pain and misery and get put off-balance by laughter? That's an element in the DMC series, and a lot of the reason behind why the main character tends to act determinedly optimistic to the point of corny: it denies them that source of power, and the satisfaction of being taken seriously. "Flock off, featherface," for example. So since unless Bradley hadn't recovered by that point, you'd expect him to comment on that.

Also in DMCverse healing physics Brad shouldn't have been hospitalized for burns. That sort of injury tends to be either kill or cure, which makes sense since a demon incapacited by an injury like Brad is here would normally die anyway, so better to heal, and remain in shape to fight, for as long as possible than to stop healing before death and then get eaten. Unless the burns prevented healing energy from working he would have burnt himself out healing them and died from that. I don't know the details of the burns or what changes the other fic author made to the mechanics of his healing ability, but that was another thing that made me think that it couldn't possibly be that Brad and Angelina.

But don't mind me, I tend to get really serious and nitpicky about the details of hard magic and such. There does exist a way to keep wounds from healing in the DMCverse, but it's kind of a special case: Sparda had some means of permanently blinding opponents in one eye. There are two enemies in the games that he used it on, and after two thousand years they're still half-blind and angry about it. The Legendary Dark Knight was capable of creating incredibly powerful seals and such, and a lot of a specialist, but the prededent does exist and so you could have some crossover character's anti-regeneration ability work on them if it were justified. *shrugs*
tlcroft chapter 1 . 2/1/2009
Hey, I DON'T recognize any of these characters and thought this was hilarious! Keep it up!
Angurvddel chapter 1 . 1/9/2009
I found this to be absolutely hilarious once I figured out most of the references. Well done! (As with most of your other stories may I add... though I do blame you for _much_ lost productivity).
Spaceman chapter 1 . 11/19/2008
Cool story! I loved it! Hope you write another one in the future! I love watching my Fanfic Universe expand.
Dogmatix chapter 1 . 11/18/2008
I have no idea about this universe, but that was great. *G*
JediClaire chapter 1 . 11/18/2008
Very funny addition to a brillant story! I am so stoked that you read Halloween world too!
Oriko chapter 1 . 11/18/2008
Welcome to the club. A very good addition to the 'verse, of course given who wrote it, it couldn't possibly have been anything else. Out of curiousity, have you read my contributions yet?
hragaman chapter 1 . 11/17/2008
Well, I'll be honest and admit that I haven't a clue as to what universe this is, but as I will be looking it up shortly, I'm going to ignore that.

Funny spoof, I liked it alot xD
Yllyana chapter 1 . 11/17/2008
What are the odds that my very favorite author posts a new story and I don't know ANY of the 7 main series crossed? I mean, sure, I didn't fall into the Bleach fandom until a while after Project Tatterdemalion, and I had no clue about Airwolf or Godzilla when I first came across Urban Legends, but that was the exception, and I was carried along by Gargoyles and Sentinel and Ghostbusters and Stargate until I could learn and appreciate them on their own merits. This was amusing on face value, but I'm betting I didn't even catch 10% of the nuances and in-jokes. Plus, when I tracked down spaceman's Halloween World, I couldn't get into it at all. It was like, zero to eight million crossovers in ten pages, with no individual intro. Maybe I'll try again when I'm not sleep deprived, but in the meantime, I'm going to be slightly aggravated. Ah, well.
tag0 chapter 1 . 11/17/2008

I see you put it up...
AnimeFan101 chapter 1 . 11/17/2008
Darn it, Vathara!

Now you got me thinking about hunting down that story too!

I'd get mad but you always seem to pick winners amongst the various genres / series I have yet to experience...
Pheonix Eternia chapter 1 . 11/17/2008
Odd, but entertaining. The more I caught, the more I snickered.