Reviews for Second chances
JTSplash chapter 1 . 9/10/2011
awwwww thats was so lovely - She lived her life but returned to gene. And shaz her guardian angel loved!
Malena Hunt chapter 1 . 12/29/2010
I've been revisiting some old favorites these past few days, and I stumbled upon this one quite by accident. I loved it the first time I read it way back when (can't believe I didn't leave a review!), but now this story has even more meaning because something similar to this really would have been a perfect way to end the series. Beautifully crafted, very poignant, and so full of hope. Lovely.

I've really missed your writing, Louella. Still cherish the hope to see something new from you. Wish you and yours all the best in the New Year. :)
Katie Duggan's Niece chapter 1 . 2/24/2010
There are a couple of wonderfully perfect (and perfectly wonderful) quotes in this story - "Real's what you make it, Ma'am. Grab it with both hands" and " they had a whole new lifetime to lead." I grinned a lot but also teared up at the thought that Alex would return to where she was and pick things up again. It's an ending to dream of.
rachel-angwin chapter 1 . 6/15/2009
arr that was cute loved it...i was worried at first she'd be a lod woman but i liked the way you did it nice :) xx
Eleantris chapter 1 . 6/7/2009
WOW! Great idea! I hope this happens if Alex does ever get back to 2008. that she grows old and then when she dies shes bk in 1982, that would be so cool! This is a really great story!
The Blue Raven chapter 1 . 4/11/2009
:) Very sweet. The only way Alex could ever truly be happy, I think. Nicely done :)
Lucida Bright chapter 1 . 11/24/2008
Late to review this, Lou - only just catching up from being away.

Lovely fluff, answers all doubts. Groovy, and very sweet. More than makes up for the agony of the last one...!
theHuntgoeson chapter 1 . 11/22/2008
Oh, this is gorgeous. Love the idea of Shaz as guardian angel, and the suggestion that Alex taking Gene as her lover may be the catalyst she needs to get her back home - which could mean a long wait for us GALEX lovers come Series 2... You describe Gene's uncertainty the morning after so beautifully too. Thanks for giving us a happy ending after the angst of "Long Way Home", I think we deserve it!
monkey-in-hell chapter 1 . 11/21/2008
Hmm. Shaz as the guardian angel? I like it.

Nice story too; it's the only way Alex is going to have both worlds. Isn't it? ; )
SarahBlackwood chapter 1 . 11/19/2008
This was lovely! What a clever idea and solves all our problems in one fell swoop. Thank you. Looking forward to the next story already.
Gem6 chapter 1 . 11/19/2008
Oh wow...Love it, very emotional and incredibly well written :-)

Gem x
cats-tale chapter 1 . 11/19/2008

Made me smile. I loved Gene in the kitchen, all awkward and not quite managing to look at her. Perfect.

I think this would be great to develop further. You've got the Molly angst out of the way in one go. Nice twist, by the way, wraps it all up nicely from the start.

I like Shaz's role too.

Go on, Louella - let Alex have some more fun! ;)
wombledon chapter 1 . 11/19/2008
Aw! Lovely. Nice way to remove Molly from the equation. Wish it wasn't just a one shot though. :)
Siggy chapter 1 . 11/19/2008
Lovely, lovely story. Intriguing and pefectly plausable. If the tv series ends this way I wouldn't be too unhappy.
StellaZebrax chapter 1 . 11/19/2008
An interesting story. Please leave it as a one-shot though or otherwise you will run the risk of ruining it.
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